
Monday, September 23, 2013

#BBM for Android and iPhone Update: Confirms Not Coming For At Least Another Week.

pihak blackberry ternyata benar-benar tidak siap dengan rencana peluncuran #bbm lintas platform buat perangkat ios dan android, setelah tanggal 21 kemarin menunda-nunda rilis aplikasi resmi bbm for android saat ini bahkan menarik kembali aplikasi resmi bbm for iphone yang sudah diposting di apple apps store, sekarang bahkan ada pernyataan resmi dari head of bbm blackberry (andrew bocking) yang menyatakan aplikasi messenger bbm listas platform tersebut belum tentu rilis resmi minggu minggu ini.

aplikasi bbm for iphone meskipun sudah ditarik dari apple app store tetapi pemilik iphone masih bisa menggunakan aplikasi tersebut buat chatting (meskipun juga masih ada bugs) tetapi masih beruntung dibanding pengguna android yang belum mencicipi aplikasi resmi bbm for android (meskipun pernah beredar di internet versi bocorannya).

andrew bocking sebagai head of bbm bahkan menyalahkan pengguna android yang menggunakan aplikasi non resmi tersebut yang menyebabkan peningkatan pesat jumlah pesan bbm dan membuat sistem bbm jadi bermasalah. seperti kita ketahui, mendekati rilis resmi bbm for android ada sekitar 1,1 juta pengguna android yang mendownload dan menggunakan aplikasi non resmi tersebut dan blackberry tak bisa memblokirnya sampai akhirnya menunda semua peluncuran aplikasi bbm for android maupun iphone.

baca juga postingan tentang "How To Download #BBM App for Android" dan "Now Available on App Store: #BBM for iPhone"

berikut rilis resmi dari head of bbm blackberry andrew bocking yang diposting di blog resmi blackberry

Hi Android and iPhone users,  This is Andrew Bocking, head of BBM at BlackBerry. As a follow up to our first blog post on Saturday, I want to take a moment to provide you with an update on the rollout of BBM on Android and iPhone.  
Last week, an unreleased, older version of the BBM for Android app was posted on numerous file sharing sites. We were aware of an issue with this unreleased version of the BBM for Android app. This older version resulted in volumes of data traffic orders of magnitude higher than normal for each active user and impacted the system in abnormal ways. The version we were planning to release on Saturday addressed these issues, however we could not block users of the unreleased version if we went ahead with the launch.   
We attempted to address the problems caused by the unreleased version throughout the day on Saturday, but as active users of the unreleased app neared a million – and accelerated – it became clear that the only way to address the issue was to pause the rollout for both Android and iPhone.   
The team is now focused on adjusting the system to completely block this unreleased version of the Android app when we go live with the official BBM for Android app. We are also making sure that the system is reinforced to handle this kind of scenario in the future. While this may sound like a simple task – it’s not. This will take some time and I do not anticipate launching this week.  
Thank you for your patience while we take the time needed to deliver the experience you expect from BBM. We will continue to provide you with updates here on and through @BBM on Twitter. We will notify everyone who has pre-registered on when BBM is available on Android and iPhone.  
Andrew Bocking, EVP, BBM

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How To Download #BBM App for Android

dari pengumuman resmi blackberry rentang kehadiran bbm for android mengalami menundaan, rencana semula rilis di 21 september tetapi sampai saat ditulis belum rilis di google play store. berbeda dengan aplikasi bbm for iphone yang lancar rilis di app store bahkan sebelum tanggal 22 september. (liat preview bbm for iphone di sini).

saat ini banyak pengguna android yang mendownload file apk (bbm for android) dari sumber unofficial dan dicoba berhasil masuk juga serta dapat digunakan chatting. tetapi bagi yang menginginkan aplikasi official harap bersabar dahulu karena di google play store belum tersedia (saat blog ini ditulis), yang ada sekarang banyak sekali aplikasi sampah yang sebenarnya bukan dari blackberry. biar gak salah download pantengin link google play store yang ada di sini (saat ini belum ada aplikasi bbm for android, hanya ada 3 aplikasi lain milik blackberry). sedangkan situs lain yang bisa dikunjungi adalan

update di tanggal 22 september 2013, selain blackberry menunda rilis bbm for android dengan alasan adanya aplikasi bbm for android unreleased yang sudah dipake lebih dari 1,1 juta user dan mengakibatkan masalah tehnis, blackberry juga menarik kembali aplikasi bbm for iphone yang sebelumnya sudah tersedia di app store. akibat dari penundaan tersebut, pengguna bbm for android sudah tidak dapat mengakses aplikasi bbm tersebut, berbeda dengan pengguna bbm for iphone yang masih bisa menggunakannya sampai saat ini meskipun link download di app store sudah dihapus.

menurut press release blackberry, bbm for android hanya tersedia bagi perangkat dengan os ice cream sandwich dan jelly bean (android 4.x), tetapi kita coba aja dengan os yang lainnya. silahkan tunggu update di sini atau di twitter @tamtomo2 serta nanti akan ditulis preview-nya.

update ttg bbm for android:

update from blackberry blog: 
Prior to launching BBM for Android, an unreleased version of the BBM for Android app was posted online. The interest and enthusiasm we have seen already – more than 1.1 million active users in the first 8 hours without even launching the official Android app – is incredible. Consequently, this unreleased version caused issues, which we have attempted to address throughout the day.

Our teams continue to work around the clock to bring BBM to Android and iPhone, but only when it’s ready and we know it will live up to your expectations of BBM. We are pausing the global roll-out of BBM for Android and iPhone. Customers who have already downloaded BBM for iPhone will be able to continue to use BBM. The unreleased Android app will be disabled, and customers who downloaded it should visit to register for updates on official BBM for Android availability.

As soon as we are able, we will begin a staggered country roll-out of BBM for Android and continue the roll-out of BBM for iPhone. Please follow @BBM on Twitter for the latest updates and go to to sign-up for updates about BBM for Android and iPhone. These issues have not impacted BBM service for BlackBerry.

Now Available on App Store: #BBM for iPhone


BBM™ is now here for iPhone. The best way to connect with anyone, anywhere for free. Download it now.

Instant Chat: 

Immediately know when your messages have been delivered (D's) and read (R's) Know when contacts are responding to your message Say it with a variety of emoticons for every mood and emotion.

Chat and Share with many at once: 

Groups – Create or join a group and chat, and share pictures, lists and appointments with the whole group. You can even be in a group with people who are not in your BBM contact list.

Multi-chat – Invite multiple contacts to participate in a chat together. Broadcast – Send a message to multiple BBM contacts at the same time.

There's more to share with BBM:
Share voice notes
Share photos
Share URLs

Personalise your Profile and keep it fresh: 

Choose a different profile picture and update your personal status whenever you want, in an instant – so your profile will always reflect the way that you feel. Profile pictures (avatars) can be updated using images, pictures or even animated pictures (GIFs).

Stay in control: 

With 2-way opt-in, you have control over who messages you. Invites via PIN/QR mean that there is no need to share your email address or phone number if you prefer not to, which provides control over how you are contacted.

Download via App Store:

iPhone Screenshots:


tanggal 22 september dinihari pihak blackberry menarik link dowload aplikasi bbm for iphone di app store dengan alasan tehnis. tetapi pengguna iphone yang udah download masih bisa pake aplikasi tersebut sampai sekarang

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New Untappd Badge: Buffalo Beer Week 2013 (@BFLOBeerWeek)

Name: Buffalo Beer Week 2013


How To Unlock:
- Active during Buffalo Beer Week 2013 (September 20th - 29th).
- Checking in to any beer at one of the participating locations
- Add location

Venue Example:
Alternative Brews 

More Untappd Badge:

BBM Available for Android on September 21 and iPhone on September 22

Instant mobile to mobile messaging with privacy and control you can count on, that lets you know that your message is read, is a free download for Android and iPhone customers. 

WATERLOO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Sept. 18, 2013) - BBM™ - the iconic mobile social network - will begin rolling out for Android™ and iPhone® customers around the world from September 21. Previously exclusive to BlackBerry® (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSX:BB) smartphones, BBM will be available as a free download in Google Play™ and the App Store(SM). Customers will be able to download BBM by visiting from their smartphone browser.

BBM gives you a private social network for active, real conversations. 

- It's immediate. BBM is always on so you are always connected. And because messages on BBM are typically delivered and read within seconds, it's the closest thing to a live conversation.
- You trust it. BBM always tells you that messages are delivered and read. BBM conversations come alive on a private network you can count on.
- You control it. BBM allows you to choose your contacts and how you share your information. BBM uses a PIN so you don't have to give anyone your phone number or email address.

"BBM is a very engaging messaging service that is simple to use, easy to personalize and has an immediacy that is necessary for mobile communications," said Andrew Bocking, Executive Vice President for BBM at BlackBerry. "With more than a billion Android, iOS, and BlackBerry smartphones in the market, and no dominant mobile messaging platform, this is absolutely the right time to bring BBM to Android and iPhone customers."

BBM for Android and iPhone features: 

BBM Chat - Enjoy real, immediate conversations with friends on Android, iPhone and BlackBerry smartphones. Not only does BBM let you know that your message has been delivered and read, it also shows you that your friend is responding to the message.

More than chat - With BBM you can share files on your phone such as photos and voice notes, all in an instant.

Keep your group in the loop - Multi-person chats are a great way to invite contacts to chat together. BBM Groups lets you invite up to 30 friends to chat together, and go a step further than multi-chat by sharing photos and schedules. And, with Broadcast Message, you can send a message out to all your BBM contacts at once.

Post Updates and stay in the know - BBM lets you post a personal message, profile picture and your current status, and lets your contacts know instantly in Updates.

Your unique PIN - Every BBM user has a unique PIN that maintains your privacy, so you don't have to give out your phone number or email address to a new or casual contact.

BBM will be available as a free download for Android smartphones running Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean (Android 4.x) beginning at 7AM EDT on September 21. BBM for iPhones running iOS 6 and iOS 7 will become available for each market on the App Store schedule of 12:01 AM local time on September 22. For more information, or to download BBM for Android or iPhone, visit

BBM will continue to evolve quickly. Later this year, BBM Channels will provide a forum for active, real conversations between you and the people, brands, celebrities, artists, service providers, communities and more, that matter to you. By creating a Channel, individuals and brands can engage their friends and communities in conversations sparked by their thoughts, ideas and passions.

Subscribing to a Channel will let you join conversations with people who share your interests. In addition, BBM Video calling and BBM Voice calling are planned for availability for Android and iPhone in a future version.

Source: MarketWired

How To Prepare Your #iOS 6 Device for Apple’s iOS 7 Update

buat yang mau update iOS terbaru buat perangkat iphone/ ipad dan ipod touch-nya bisa baca dulu tips ini sebelum melakukannya. update bisa melalu over the air (ota) langsung dari perangkat (settings > general > software update) atau bisa juga melakukan update melalui itunes di pc atau mac.

silahkan baca dulu fitur apa yang terbaru di ios 7 di sini dan silahkan pelajari baik-baik... :)

hal yang pertama dilakukan buat update adalah cek terlebih dahulu device kita apakah bisa diupgrade softwarenya atau tidak, ios 7 hanya bisa digunakan di perangkat iphone 4/ 4/ 5, ipad 2/ 3/ 4, ipad mini dan ipod touch generasi 5. perlu dipikirkan juga update ke ios 7 dari ios 6 tak bisa kembali lagi alias downgrade, kalaupun masih ragu-ragu tunda dulu upgrade sambil liat-liat apakah ada masalah di ios 7 atau nunggu update terbaru lagi ios 7.

langkah beikutnya buat update adalah melihat kapasitas device kita apakah memenuhi kapasitas yang diinginkan karena ios 7 sendiri sebesar 665mb dan harus tersisa ruang sebesar 1gb. kemudian backup ke icloud dan atau lewat itunes ke komputer, salin juga koleksi foto-foto dan video serta shared file yang ada di device.

device camera roll:
- pindahin foto yang ada di camera roll on ke mac dengan cara buka aplikasi "os x imagecapture" dan salin (import all) semua foto.
- jika pake pc windows bisa melalui "windows explorer" setelah mengkoneksikan device lewat usb.
- setelah dipindahin foto yang ada di camera roll on bisa dihapus langsung, tergantung pilihan kita.

copy shared files:
- beberapa aplikasi ios memungkinkan untuk berbagi file melalui itunes, kalo punya file tersebut bisa dikopi terlebih dahulu via itunes agar aman.
- buka itunes, colokin device via usb, klik "apps" trus "file sharing" trus copy file ke lokal hard drive.

setelah update ios 7 selesai (melalui over the air di device atau lewat itunes di pc/ mac), kita bisa pilih buat restore dari backup sebelumnya. beberapa aplikasi harus diupdate juga mengikuti ios terbaru tersebut karena tak semua aplikasi didukung ios 7 ini. update semua aplikasi terbaru bisa melalui itunes dan sebaiknya menggunakan jaringan wifi biar cepet. berikut yang harus diperhatikan:

- hapus aplikasi yang tidak terpakai lagi
- update aplikasi yang mendukung ios7 melalui itunes di device atau pc/ mac
- check versi terbaru itunes yang digunakan di pc/ mac

setelah semua dilakukan silahkan dicoba semua aplikasi yang ada...

Learn More #iOS 7: New Features and New Design For Your Device

system operasi terbaru ios 7 dari apple buat perangkat ios (iphone, ipad dan ipod touch) hari ini secara resmi dirilis dengan fitur-fitur dan tampilan terbaru. berikut rincian fitur terbaru dari ios 7:

new design:
- interface baru, subtle motion and animation, elegant new color pallete and refined typography serta adanya update ringtone dan sound system.

control center:
- quick access dengan cara swipe up dari layar bagian bawah ke atas dengan mudah
- turn on/ off secara mudah buat airplane mode, wifi, bluetooth, do not disturb, adjust brightness, access media control serta on/ off fitur airplay dan airdrop.
- quick access flashlight, timer, calculator, camera and music control.

notification center improvements:
- new today view
- notification dismissed on one device accross all device

multitasking improvements:
- preview screen
- permits any app to up to date in background

camera improvements:
- swipe through different camera modes
- real-time photo filters

photo improvements:
- automatic organize photo and video based on time and location into moments
- icloud photo sharing support
- add photo filters effect
- flickr and vimeo support

air drop (iphone 5/ ipod 5 generation and ipad 4 generation):
- quick and easy share content with people nearby
- securely encrypted transfers

safari improvements:
- new iphone tab view
- unified smart search field
- shared links shows web pages shared by people you follow on twitter

itunes radio:
- streaming radio service over 250 featured and genre-focused station
- start on own station based on fave artists/ songs

siri improvements:
- new, more natural sounding male and female voices
- integrated wikipedia, twitter search and bing web search
- change setting

app store improvements:
- popular near me apps
- discover age-appropiate apps in the kids category
- keep apps up to date automatically

find my iphone activation lock:
- turn off, erasing device, reactivation and sign out of icloud
- custom message to display after remote erase

itunes store improvements:
- preview and buy songs
- itunes wish list update
- scan code with camera to reedem itunes gift cards

music improvements:
- play music purchases from icloud
- view similar

video improvements:
- play movie/ tv show purchases from icloud
- view similar

maps improvements:
- turn-by-turn walking directions
- night mode
- bookmarks shared

mail improvements:
- new smart mailboxes
- improve search
- view pdf annotations

more update and improvements for: 
facetime, block unwanted, long mms, pull down, passbook, compass, sounds, wifi hotspot 2.0, accessibility featrures, enterprise features, education features and bug fixes.

silahkan update ios 7 di device kalian, silahkan baca postingan berikutnya buat cara update yang aman.

Watch the iOS 7 Video:
More about iOS 7:

Monday, September 16, 2013

Apple Releases New iPhone 5c ‘Plastic Perfected’ Ad

Apple has launched a new ad for the iPhone 5c called "Plastic Perfected," focusing on the bright colors and the polycarbonate material of Apple's new iPhones.

New Untappd Badge: How To Unlock "@LABeerWeek 2013" Badge

Name: Los Angeles Beer Week (2013) 


How To Unlock: 
- Active during "LA Beer Week (2013)" September 19th - 29th, 2013
- Check-in to any beer at any location within Los Angeles or Orange counties. 
 - Add location to your check-in 
 - About LA Beer Week 

Venue Example: 

More Untappd Badge:

New Yotomo Badge To Celebrate "Hari #Perhubungan Nasional (2013)"

Name: Hari Perhubungan Nasional (2013)

Let's support raising awareness to improve our transportation system.
Selamat Hari Perhubungan Nasional, 17 September 2012.

How To Unlock:
- Active Date 17.September.2013 (Limited Time)
- Checkin to transportation service (Worldwide)
- Add comment to your checkin, answer the question "What do you think the first step to improve our transportation system?" don't forget add hashtag #Perhubungan
- Share to your friends, Facebook and Twitter.

More Yotomo Badge:

New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "@AJC Insider" Badge

Name: AJC Insider 

"It looks like you’ve uncovered one of our favorite spots or events in Atlanta. Well done and enjoy!"

How To Unlock:
- Like "The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on foursquare
- Checkin at their venue recommendation/ list tips
- Level up badge

Venue Example:

Follow me on foursquare or Twitter @tamtomo2 or @PC_holic for new update foursquare badge

Sunday, September 8, 2013

New Yotomo Badge To Celebrate "Hari Olah Raga Nasional #HAORNAS (2013)"

Name: Hari Olah Raga Nasional #HAORNAS (2013) 

"Olah raga merupakan bagian dari hidup kita semua. Pergi dari satu tempat ke tempat lain dengan berjalan kaki atau bersepeda untuk menjaga kesehatan, jangan lupa check in dengan Yotomo saat kamu sampai."

How To Unlock:
- Active during Hari Olah Raga Nasional (9 September 2013)
- Checkin anywhere (worldwide)
- Add shout with hashtag #HAORNAS
- Share to Twitter and Facebook

More Yotomo Badge:

New Untappd Badge: How To Unlock "Maryland Craft Beer Week (2013)"

Name: Maryland Craft Beer Week (2013) 

"Thanks for supporting Maryland Craft Beer Week! To see what Maryland has to offer, check out our website at"

How To Unlock:
- Active during MCBW (September 8th - September 14th)
- Check-in to at least two participating venues (list below)
- Be sure to add your location to your check-in

Venue Example:

More Untappd Badge:

Saturday, September 7, 2013

New Yotomo Badge To Celebrate World #Literacy Day (2013)

Name: World #Literacy Day (2013) 

Mari bantu saudara, teman, orang sekeliling kita untuk bisa membaca. Karena dengan membaca kita bisa mengenai dunia tanpa perlu beranjak. Jangan lupa check in di toko buku terdekat. 
World Literacy Day/ Hari Aksara Internasioanl diperingati setiap tahun pada tanggal 8 September.

How To Unlock:
- Active during World Literacy Day, 8 September 2013
- Checkin anywhere (worldwide)
- Add your comment about World Literacy Day
- Add hashtag #Literacy
- Share to Twitter and Facebook

More Yotomo Badges:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Features of Path 3.2: Private Sharing, Inner Circle, and Premium

Path hari mengumumkan kerjasama dengan Deutsche Telekom dan mengumumkan kehadiran Path 3.2 dengan fitur baru Private Sharing, Inner Circle dan Akun Premium.

Dengan fitur Private Sharing dan Inner Circle tersebut, pengguna Path bisa berbagi dengan lingkungan terbatas, sebelumnya sudah ada fitur "Private" tetapi hanya kita sendiri yang melihat tetapi di Path 3.2 bisa diatur temen-teman yang akan dipilih buat melihat postingan moments “just between us” kita.

Fitur lain adalah premium membership, dengan membayar $ 4.99 per 3 bulan (iOS), $ 1.99 per 1 bulan (Android) atau $14.99 per 12 bulan (iOS & Android), pengguna dapat akses gratis unlimited stiker, kamera filter, shop items dan bebas iklan di Path.

Berikut tips dari blog Path tentang fitur barunya:

Private Sharing

Some moments are important simply because of who you’re with, or who they remind you of. Private sharing allows you to share with one or any number of friends on an ad hoc, moment by moment basis. Private sharing has been a top feature request of our users since the beginning of Path, and we’re so excited to enable you to share inside jokes and old memories with those who would appreciate them most.

After capturing a moment, tap the lock on the sharing screen. Keep the moment private for your eyes only, or tap the prompt to select friends to share it with. Your friends will know if they have been shared in a private moment by the lock in place of the usual seen-it smile. By looking at the moment’s seen-its, your friends will also be able to tell who else has been included.

Inner Circle

Inner Circle makes it easy to share instantly with those closest to you. And it’s completely unique to you. You may define it as your immediate family. Your oldest childhood friends. Your teammates. Your inseparable coworkers. Just the two of you.

Select friends for your Inner Circle by tapping the stars next to their names in the Friends List. While in the sharing screen, tap the star to share with those most important, instantly. Your friends will know that they are in your Inner Circle by the star in the top corner of the moment.


We introduced stickers to messaging and then to comments for you to use to express yourself, with characters that instantly say a thousand words. We designed all of our photo filters in-house to give you some of the coolest effects available. Path Premium users will have immediate and unlimited access to everything in the Shop, while supporting our vision to remain a completely ad-free network.

Along with unlimited access to all Path-exclusive filters and stickers in the Shop, Premium users will also get early access to new Shop items. Premium is available for purchase as an annual subscription on iOS and Android for $14.99; a 1-month subscription is available for $1.99 on Android or a 3-month subscription on iOS for $4.99.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "1. FC Köln" Badge by @fckoeln

Name: 1. FC Köln 

"Die Nummer eins am Rhein bist Du… Mer stonn zo dir, FC Kölle! Hennes macht einen Freudensprung, denn du hast den #effzeh Badge freigeschaltet. Darauf ein dreifaches "Come on, FC!"

How To Unlock: 
- Like "1. FC Köln on foursquare
- Levelup badge, checkin at their game day

Follow me on foursquare or Twitter @tamtomo2 or @PC_holic for new update foursquare badge