
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Billboard And Twitter Create The Real-Time Music Chart

Twitter tanggal 27 Maret lalu bersama BillBoard mengumumkan kerjasamanya merilis 'Billboard Twitter Real-Time Charts' yang diambilkan dari data percakapan tentang musik atau tweet pengguna Twitter di seluruh dunia.  Partnership ini akan menghidupkan kembali #TwitterMusic meskipun bukan dalam bentuk aplikasi mobile yang akan dimatikan oleh Twitter.

Seperti kita ketahui pengguna Twitter sering sekali berdiskusi atau share tentang musik di timeline-nya terutama share musik yang sedang diperdengarkan dan dengan kerjasama Twitter dan Billboard akan ada update secara live di akun @TwitterMusic maupun @BillBoard serta situs

Kerjasama Amplify Partnership antara Twitter dan BillBoard juga akan memperluas cakupan distribusi Music Chart secara live dan ini sangat berguna sekali bagi para musisi untuk memanfaatkan keunggulan Twitter dalam informasi tentang musik ini.

Source: Blog Twitter & BillBoard
Related Post: Twitter #Music Is Dead and Remove Mobile App From Apple App Store

Selengkapnya tentang kerjasama Twitter dan Billboard bisa dibaca di cuplikan postingan BillBoard:

Billboard and social media platform Twitter today announced an exclusive, multi-year partnership to create Billboard Twitter Real-Time Charts. The charts, which will launch in the coming weeks, will track U.S. music conversations among the millions of Tweets sent each day. Combining the authority of the Billboard charts and Twitter’s public, real-time data, these powerful co-branded charts will reshape for consumers and the industry the way music success is measured.

As part of the initiative, Billboard and Twitter have signed a Twitter Amplify partnership, which will help distribute the chart beyond and include custom in-Tweet charts and in-Tweet video round ups of the week in music on Twitter

The charts will reflect the top tracks being discussed at the moment and over an extended period of time on Twitter, as well as surface the most talked about and shared songs by new and upcoming acts. The chart will live on and will also be shared through Billboard’s Twitter account, @billboard, multiple times a week. 

"Billboard has always been the standard by which music popularity is measured, and Twitter and its millions of users worldwide have added an entirely new dimension and pace to the way the marketplace interacts with, and evaluates, music and music-makers," said Janice Min, Co-President/Chief Creative Officer of the Entertainment Group of Guggenheim Media. "The Billboard Twitter Real-Time Charts, a natural extension for media brands so in sync in the music space, stands to once again dramatically shape the conversation around the content and the business."

"Twitter is where the music of the moment is discovered and discussed — every day, new songs and new artists are breaking on the platform,” said Bob Moczydlowsky, Twitter’s head of music. “We’re partnering with Billboard to create a ground-breaking chart to track the conversation around music as it happens. This means when artists share songs and engage with their audience on Twitter, the buzz they create will now be visible to fans, other musicians and industry decision makers in real-time."

The Billboard and Twitter partnership brings to fruition the first-ever real-time charts on the Billboard platforms and is a continuation of Billboard’s integration of new media music consumption in its chart rankings. From the unveiling of theSocial 50 artist chart in 2010, the expansion of song streaming data over the past few years, including Spotify and YouTube into the Hot 100, and the launch of streaming charts covering multiple genres, Billboard continues to be at the forefront in incorporating new technologies in its music rankings.

"Billboard is the number-one destination for vital industry news and analysis, and the place consumers around the world turn to for the best, and what's next, in music," says John Amato, Co-President of the Entertainment Group of Guggenheim Media. "This exciting Twitter partnership extends the Billboard value proposition that much further and deeper into the social media conversation that Twitter so effectively harnesses and drives. This will have tremendous impact on Billboard’s engagement with consumers and the marketplace."

"Billboard has extensive experience building charts that are trusted by both the music industry and consumers which made them the perfect partner for us," said Conway Chen, Director of Business Development at Twitter. "Twitter's data is unique in that it represents a comprehensive view of the world's conversation about anything and everything, including music. These charts will leverage our combined strengths to provide a reliable and unprecedented look into what music matters most to the public in any given moment."

The Billboard brand is built on over 200 exclusive charts - the measure of success in music - that are constantly updated to reflect the changing music landscape. Billboard’s charts, led by the world-recognized Hot 100 songs chart and Billboard 200 albums chart, as well as its content, are consumed and referenced by millions of people around the globe.

Twitter is a global platform for public self-expression and conversation in real time and is available in more than 35 languages and has more than 240 million monthly active users.

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