
Friday, March 21, 2014

Twitter’s Going To Open An Office In Indonesia?

Selain Facebook yang berencana membuka kantor di Indonesia menyusul beberapa layanan web/ social media internasional yang sudah terlebih dahulu membuka kantor di Indonesia, tak luput layanan micro blogging Twitter berencana melebarkan sayapnya di Indonesia. Kabar tersebut tersiar dari situs DailySocial dari ajang SES Conference yang salah satunya menghadirkan Christel Quek (Twitter’s head of content for APAC and EMEA).

Saat ini memang pengguna Twitter dari Indonesia termasuk yang aktif sekali berkicau, sekitar 48 juta pengguna dari total 240 juta pengguna aktif Twitter di seluruh dunia atau sekitar 20 persen dan sekitar 75 persen dari pengguna Indonesia tersebut menggunakan layanan mobile apps.

Berikut salah satu pernyataan Christel Quek tentang #TwitterPower dan kemungkinan membuka kantor di Indonesia:

Enough about TwitterPower, when is the office going to open? 

Gimme a minute. Over the next few months Twitter will be holding a number of “Power Tweet Ups” in Indonesia and across the region to learn what role Twitter plays among various communities and if there’s anything Twitter can do to enhance reach, activities, and interaction. 

Quek said that she’s looking to spend more time in Indonesia to get a feel of the scene and learn more about Twitter’s significance to Indonesians and how it has affected the way people interact and respond to events, campaigns, movements, and other activities. 

Shut up and tell me when Twitter’s going to open an office in Indonesia 

In true Indonesian style though, the first question of the night was whether Twitter would open an office in the country. A question that is always asked, without fail, to any representative of any major American Internet company. 

Quek said that setting up an office here is not out of the question given that Indonesia is the “second most important country to Twitter, and may be the most important in a two or three years”. With Jakarta being the leading Twitter city by user activity, there is a lot of interest in learning about the behavior. On the other hand, Twitter has yet to properly set up in Singapore –it doesn’t even have its own office there yet– so it may take some time before they open one here.

Source: DailySocial

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