

About Yotomo:

Yotomo provides a platform and tools for business owners to deliver promotions and special offers to potential customers nearby. For end users, Yotomo will give more benefits from local businesses in special offers and promotions. We see our platform as a local platform, wherever the user is located. You will find more interesting local touch from Yotomo such as local badges, local brands and events.
Who founded Yotomo and why?

Yotomo Link:

- Official Site:
- Yotomo Mobile Version: --- coming soon --
- Download Yotomo for BlackBerry:
- Download Yotomo for iPhone: -- coming soon --
- How To Unlock Yotomo Badges:
- How To Play Yotomo:

Yotomo Badges:
(klik nama badge untuk mengetahui cara unlock-nya)

1. Indonesia

 2. Yotomo Friend 

3. Japan Relief  -- retired  --
4. Angkutan Umum
5. Perempatan Jalan
6. Kartini  -- retired  --

7. Support Local Product  -- retired  --

8. Earth Day 2011  -- retired  --

9. Easter Egg 2011  -- retired  --

10. Jakarta
11. Bandung

12. Bali
13. 10000  -- retired  --

14. Surabaya
15. Yogyakarta

16. 10K++  -- retired  --
17. Hari Pendidikan Nasional  -- retired  --

More Yotomo Badges 