
Saturday, December 28, 2013

New Untappd Badge To Celebrate Woodchuck Day!

Name: Woodchuck Day (2013) 

Thanks for drinking Woodchuck! Celebrate Woodchuck Day at your local bars and restaurants February 2nd happening in your neck of the woods by liking us on Facebook:

How To Unlock:
- Active starting January 1st through February 9th, 2014
- Checking in to at least 3 Woodchuck Hard Ciders

Beers Example:

Tradition says that on February 2nd, if Punxsutawney Phil comes out of his burrow and see’s his shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of winter. While exciting to some, it’s not exactly an event that we’ll drag ourselves out of bed for. Woodchuck® Hard Cider decided to liven up the day by declaring it Woodchuck Day! Sounds like a lot more fun to us. After all, groundhog is just another name for a woodchuck. (Blog Untappd)

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Google Doodle Holiday Series 2013

Part 1 (24/12/13) "Happy Holidays from Google"

Google published new special logo during Christmas Day 2013 and New Year 2014. Google Doodle Holiday Series released starting Dec.24, 2014, part 1 "Happy Holidays From Google" as a simple shows a bucolic scene of a couple in a horse-drawn sleigh making their way through a snowy, winter wonderland.

Checkout the Google Doodle Holiday Series 2013:

Part 2 (25/12/13) "'Tis The Season!"

Part 3 (26/12/13) "'Tis The Season!"

*) updated everyday

New Untappd Badge "Merry Brew-mas (2013)"

Name: Merry Brew-mas (2013)

"It's that magical time of year full of fun, joy and of course, great beer. We wish you the best of the holiday cheer. Merry Brew-mas to all and to all a good pint." 

How To Unlock:
- Just checkin any beer on Christmas Day (25/13/2013)

It’s that most wonderful time of year once again and as with tradition, we’re happy to bring you this year’s Merry Brew-mas badge. To add this badge to your collection, simply check-in to any beer on Christmas day (this Wednesday, 12/25/13). We hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday season, full of fun and of course, amazing brews! Merry Brew-mas to all, and to all a good pint.  (Blog Untappd)

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Instagram Launch New Feature "Instagram Direct"

Instagram hari ini merilis fitur baru bagi pengguna iOS dan Android, fitur Instagram Direct ini sudah bisa digunakan dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan update aplikasi versi baru 5.0 Instagram for iOS dari App Store dan Instagram for Android di Play Store.

Instagram Direct merupakan fitur Instagram yang memungkinkan pengguna mengirimkan foto dan video langsung ke teman (bisa lebih dari satu teman, maksimal 15 teman atau dalam bentuk group). Foto atau video yang akan dikirimkan bisa langsung dari kamera maupun yang ada di library device kita.

Untuk menemukan fitur Instagram Direct tersebut bisa dilihat di halaman "HOME" pojok kanan atas ada ikon "Instagram Direct", klik saja dan gunakan fitur tersebut. Pesan foto/ video tersebut selain bisa dikirimkan ke follower kita juga bisa ke orang yang bukan follower kita tetapi hanya akan masuk antrian dan perlu approval dari penerima terlebih dahulu (Direct Request).

Dari segi privacy dan keamanan juga terjaga dengan adanya fitur yang memungkinkan penerima buat "Ignore" atau bahkan kalau mengganggu bisa manfaatin fitur "report abusive posts" sampai dengan "block that person". Dan yang perlu diingat bagi pengirim video/ foto bisa menghapus pesan tersebut tetapi penerima tidak akan melihat lagi pesan tersebut.

Untuk mengetahui secara lengkap cara penggunaan fitur ini bisa liat di halaman Help Instagram

To send photos/videos with Instagram Direct: 
- Take a new photo/video or upload a photo/video from your camera roll. 
- Add optional effects, filters and a caption. 
- Tap Direct. You’ll see some features appear in green when you’re using Instagram Direct. 
- Tap the names of people you want to send the photo/video to (up to 15 people). 
- Tap Send
- The people you've sent the post to will get a notification. 
- To see posts you've sent with Instagram Direct, tap in the top right of your Home feed. 
- Posts sent with Instagram Direct can't be shared through Instagram to other sites like Facebook or Twitter. 
- You also can't tag people or use hashtags in these shared post

Video Introducing Instagram Direct:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Introducing New Foursquare for iOS

Watch the video for the new sleeker, faster, smarter Foursquare for iOS 7 

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Foursquare
Checkout more Foursquare Badge

Monday, December 9, 2013

[INFOGRAPHIC]: Social Media Active Users 2013


Google Doodle Today (09.12.2013): Grace Hopper's 107th Birthday

Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906 – January 1, 1992) was an American computer scientist and United States Navy Rear Admiral. A pioneer in the field, she was one of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I computer, and developed the first compiler for a computer programming language. (Wikipedia)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Animated Google Doodle Today To Celebrate Thanksgiving 2013

Google originally shared: 
Here’s a riddle: what would a fox bring to a Thanksgiving feast? Visit to see a motley crew of woodland creatures gather together to enjoy the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving from Google!


About Doodle: 
It's Thanksgiving! ... a time to gorge yourself on autumnal foods (the best kind of food). This year, we've celebrated this most scrumptious of holidays with a bite-sized animated film. 

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let me give thanks to the following amazing individuals who helped me with this doodle: 
 - Kris Hom, engineer/wizard 
- Daniel Steinberg, whose band, The Hillbillies from Mars, recorded the music (Daniel played the flute!)
- Angela Yeung, sound engineer, who graciously let us use the recording facilities at CCRMA 
- Leon Hong, who gave the banjo its "woosh"


New Untappd Badge To Celebrate Thanksgiving Day (2013)

Name: Beer-giving (2013) 

"There's much to be thankful for as a beer drinker these days, so while you sit down with friends and family, be sure to crack open your favorite brew! Cheers and happy Thanksgiving to all!" 

How To Unlock: 
- Check-in to any beer on Thanksgiving day (11/28/13)

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How To Insert Google+ Post On External Websites Use Embedded Posts

If you're a publisher or blogger who wants to insert a Google+ post (written by yourself or others) in one of your articles, you can use embedded posts!

Embedded posts enable you to: 
  • Quote notable individuals or brands on Google+ inline in your article. 
  • Display Google+ posts in a Google+ branded frame identifying the source of the content. 

The post will update if the author of the post edits it.

When your visitors encounter the Google+ embedded post on your site, they can +1, comment, or follow the post author, all without leaving your site.

Embed a post 
  • While viewing the post in Google+, move your cursor over the right corner of a post to reveal a down arrow. 
  • Click the arrow to expand the post options and select "Embed post." 
  • A text box containing HTML/JS code will appear. 
  • Copy the code to your clipboard. 
  • Paste the code in the location of your article where you'd like to display the post. 
Currently, only public Google+ posts are embeddable on external websites.

Source: Google Support

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Google+

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Checkout New Update @Billboard Hot 100 on @8tracks Radio

Billboard Hot 100 (1 - 50) 

The Billboard Hot 100 is the American music industry standard singles popularity chart issued weekly by Billboard magazine. Chart rankings are based on radio play and sales. 

Genres: pop, hip hop, country, rap, indie (beta)
Published: January 18, 2013 (Updated Frequently!)


Checkout on web version:
Or Mobile Version

Follow me on 8tracks:

New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "@Fenerbahce SK" Badge

Name: Fenerbahçe SK 

"Tebrikler! Fenerbahçe Şükrü Saracoğlu Stadyumu’nda check-in yaparak Fenerbahçe rozeti kazandın! Saracoğlu’nda sesimiz çıktığınca, durmaksızın tek yürek FENERBAHÇE! Sarı Lacivert için paylaşımlarının devamını bekliyoruz çünkü BİRLİKTE DAHA GÜÇLÜYÜZ!"

How To Unlock:
- Like "Fenerbahçe SK on foursquare
- Checkin at their recomended venues
- Level up badge

Venue Example:

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Foursquare. Checkout more Foursquare Badge

Thursday, November 7, 2013

New Untappd Badge: How To Unlock "@NTXbeerweek (2013)"

Name: NTX Beer Week (2013) 


How To Unlock: 
- Active during NTX Beer Week (Nov 9 - 16, 2013) 
- Check-in at two (2) different participating venues (listed here)

Venue Example:

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Foursquare Badge: MTV EMA Amsterdam 2013 by @MTV @MTVEMA

Name: MTV EMA 2013 

"Congratulations! You’re officially an EMAzing fan! Welcome to the 2013 MTV EMA – it’s going to be one massive intergalactic party in Amsterdam!"

How To Unlock:
- Active during "MTV EMA (Europe Music Awards) Amsterdam 2013" November 2013
- Like "MTV on foursquare
- Checkin at their recommended venue (Amsterdam)

Venue Example:

More Info about MTV EMA 2013:

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Foursquare. Checkout more Foursquare Badge

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New Untappd Badge To Celebrate @StoutDay 2013

Name: Stout Day (2013) 


How To Unlock: 
- Active during "The 3rd annual International #StoutDay" 08 November 2013 
- Checking in to any style stout. 

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Friday, November 1, 2013

New Untappd Badge: How To Unlock "Sixpoint Global Warmer"

Name: Sixpoint Global Warmer 

No one can deny that the Sixpoint Global Warmer has arrived. Rich with toasted malts and enough bright hops to warm you through the winter, this imperial red ale is a beer of global proportions.

 How To Unlock: 
- Like "Sixpoint on Untappd" 
- Check-in to at least two (2) Global Warmers 
- Active between November 1st and December 31st, 2013 

 More Untappd Badge:

New Playlist on Deezer: Hot New Single 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

New Foursquare Badge To Celebrate Halloween 2013

Name: Halloween 

"Your mission: find Miley twerking Walter White or a Fox. Tweet pics #4SQmission. Best pics get a 4SQ hoodie or slightly used foam finger. Your choice."

How To Unlock:
- Active during Halloween 2013
- Checkin anywhere (worldwide)
- Add shout "Halloween"

Follow me on foursquare or Twitter @tamtomo2 or @PC_holic for new update foursquare badge

New Untappd Badge: Coast to Coast Toast (2013) by @belgianexpert

Name: Coast to Coast Toast (2013)

What's not to like? Vanberg & DeWulf's portfolio of 52 amazing ales reads like a who's who of platinum medal specialty imports. Learn more about the beers, nationwide Toast, events near you and contest http://www.belgianexperts. The prize this year is two round trip tickets to Belgium on Delta Airlines courtesy of Delta, Visit Belgium and Vanberg & DeWulf.

How To Unlock:
- Active during November 1st through December 1st (2013)
- Check-in to one (1) Vanberg & DeWulf beers (listed here)

Beers Example:

More Untappd Badge:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Untappd Celebrate Halloween 2013 With Witch's Brew (2013) Badge

Name: Witch's Brew (2013) 

"Get your most ghoulish and monstrous beers ready because it's Halloween! Wouldn't it be awesome if you could "Trick or Beer"?"

How To Unlock:
- Active during Halloween (October 2013)
- Check-in to any brew

More Untappd Badge:

Google Celebrate Halloween With Interactive Google Doodle

hari ini (31 oktober 2013), google merilis google doodle edisi khusus dalam rangka hari halloween dengan interaktif logo berupa game. silahkan buka halaman trus klik tombol player dan mainkan game yang ada serta ikuti gambar yang tertera di logo google tersebut. silahkan juga liat screenshoot yang ada di bawah ini.

histrory oh halloween:
Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. The word Halloween is a shortening of All Hallows' Evening also known as Hallowe'en or All Hallows' Eve. Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain (pronounced "sah-win"). It is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture. Samhain was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and prepare for winter. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped and the deceased would come back to life and cause havoc such as sickness or damaged crops.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Philly Local by @phillydotcom" Badge

Name: Philly Local 

 "You're exploring Philadelphia and hitting up's favorite local spots! Keep exploring the town and finding more of our local gems!" 

How To Unlock: 
- Like " on Foursquare" 
- Checkin at their venue recomendation, list 
- Leveling badge

Venue Example:

Follow me on foursquare or Twitter @tamtomo2 or @PC_holic for new update foursquare badge

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "@GalatasaraySK" Badge

Name: Galatasaray S.K. 

"İşte şimdi sen de gerçek Galatasaraylı oldun! Galatasaray ruhunu taşıyan bu yerde check-in yaparak sarı kırmızılı rozeti kazandın! Galatasaray aşkına paylaşımlarının devamını bekliyoruz!" 

How To Unlock:
- Active during "Galatasaray S.K." match
- Like "Galatasaray S.K. on Foursquare"
- Checkin and choose event option
- Leveling badge
- Schedule

Venue Event:
23.10.2013: Galatasaray VS FC Copenhagen at "Turk Telekom Arena - İstanbul, Türkiye"
05.11.2013: FC Copenhagen VS Galatasaray at "Parkstadion (Parken) - Copenhagen, Denmark"
27.11.2013: Real Madrid VS Galatasaray at "Estadio Santiago Bernabéu - Madrid, Spain"

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Google Doodle Today To Celebrate The 216th Anniversary of The 1st Parachute Jump

google hari ini, 22 oktober memperingati 216 tahun "the first parachute jump" dengan google doodle animasi yang menggambarkan sejarah parasit yaang ditemukan pertama kali tahun 1797 di parc monceau (paris) oleh andre-jacques garnerin. pada saat percobaan pertama kali tersebut andre-jacques garnerin baru berusia 28 tahun dengan penuh keberanian menerbangkan balon udara dengan ketingguan 3000 kaki kemudian melepaskan balon dan hanya menggunakan sebuah parasit payung untuk mengedalikan beban jatuh ke bumi (saat itu andre-jacques garnerin sempat terluka).

google doodle berbentuk animasi dengan slide gambar yang berbeda (liat selengkapnya di video di bawah ini serta capture per sceene google doodle tersebut: