
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Twitter Launches New "Dashboard" App for iPhone

For businesses, Twitter is a place to share news, tell stories, and have conversations that support, educate, and delight their customers. It’s a place for authentic interactions – but we know that creating these kinds of connections isn’t always easy for businesses that are time and resource-constrained. That’s why Twitter built a brand new app "Twitter Dashboard" to help the busy people behind these businesses.

Twitter Dashboard is a powerful tool designed to help businesses connect with their customers and community. Large, dedicated teams typically have the advantage of sophisticated tools provided by Twitter ecosystem partners. Today we’re offering a free tool to give all businesses an advantage in the way they use Twitter. With an iOS app and desktop web experience, Dashboard offers a single destination to get things done. It gives business owners a clear picture of what’s being said about their businesses, lets them schedule Tweets, and offers insights about their Tweet performance.

Twitter Dashboard is a free app that makes it easy to manage your business on Twitter. It’s the perfect tool to help you schedule Tweets, get right to the Tweets that matter, and engage more with your customers and community.

Dashboard offers a single destination to get things done. It gives business owners a clear picture of what’s being said about their businesses and offers insights about their Tweet performance.

Twitter is a place where businesses can share news, tell stories, and have conversations that support, educate, and delight their customers. Dashboard can help. Use it to:

- See all the Tweets about you, so you don’t miss anything important.
- Schedule your Tweets to save time and reach more people.
- Track your analytics to understand what’s working and get the most out of Twitter.
- Get Tweet ideas and inspiration with built-in tips for businesses.

The Twitter Dashboard beta is available today. Go to or download Dashboard in the App Store.

Twitter hari ini merilis aplikasi baru yang diberi nama "Twitter Dashboard" versi beta yang dapat diunduh oleh pengguna iOS atau iPhone. Aplikasi ini sangat berguna banget bagi para pelaku bisnis yang menggunakan Twitter sebagai salah satu sarana berkomunikasi dengan para pelanggan ataupun komunitasnya.

Sebenarnya fitur yang ada di aplikasi Twitter Dashboard ini juga dapat diakses oleh pengguna melalui versi web dengan membuka tautan yang berisi data-data analytics akun Twitter kita sendiri termasuk aktivitas dan engagements.

Kembali ke aplikasi "Twitter Dashboard", ada beberapa fitur yang dapat kita coba antara lain:

- Melihat seluruh tweet tentang kita di menu "About You" dan feeds yang akan tampil dapat diatur terlebih dahulu melalui halaman web

- Fitur Scheduled Tweet sangat bermanfaat bagi pelaku bisnis yang memiliki tweet yang perlu diposting secara terjadwal. Fitur tersebut biasanya tersedia di aplikasi pihak ketiga yang diperuntukkan bagi pelaku bisnis.

- Fitur Analytics sangat bermanfaat untuk memantau perkembangan akun Twitter termasuk interkasi dengan customer atau penggemar (apabila kalian adalah publik figur).

Silahkan dowload aplikasi ini di App Store bagi pengguna iPhone atau bagi pengguna lain dapat melalui tautan web

Follow me on Twitter @tamtomo2 atau @PC_holic untuk info terupdate tentang Social Media dan Technologi.

Friday, June 24, 2016

New Untappd Badges: Iron Man, Going on Safari, On a Roll!, Trekking the Alps, Wheel of Styles & Pint of Pride

Name: Iron Man

You don’t have to be a superhero to enjoy a strong beer. Boasting a higher than average ABV, these styles really do pack a punch, so be ready for it. 

How To Unlock:
That's 5 different beers with style of Strong Ale - American, Strong Ale - English, Belgian Strong Ale, Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Belgian Strong Pale Ale or Lager - Euro Strong. 
Try 5 more until Level 50!

Name: Going on Safari 

Let the safari begin as your tastebuds take a tour of beers from the breweries of Africa. With nearly every country boasting it’s own brewery and a local favorites, there’s plenty to try. 

How To Unlock:
That's 5 different beers from a brewery located in the continent of Africa. 
Try 5 more until Level 50!

Name: On a Roll! 

 Fresh fish and crisp beer always hits the spot. Sit back, enjoy, and watch the sushi chefs work their magic. Kanpai! 

How To Unlock:
That's a beer at 5 different venues categorized as a Sushi Restaurant, Japanese Restaurant, Chinese Restaurant or Asian Restaurant. 
Try 5 more until Level 50! 

Name: Trekking the Alps

Grab your stein and dawn your lederhosen because it’s time to trek through the mountains of one of the world's most historic beer regions. 

How To Unlock:
That's 5 different beers from a brewery located in Austria. 
Try 5 more until Level 50!

Name: Wheel of Styles 

Round and round the wheel goes! Which style you’ll be drinking, nobody knows! Your desire to explore different styles is inspiring. Keep it up!

How To Unlock:
Check-in to 20 different styles of beer.

Name: Pint of Pride 

 Celebrate and share your pride. No matter what style, region, or popularity of brew you enjoy, everyone can agree that nothing brings people together quite like delicious beer. 

How To Unlock:
That's a beer at 5 different venues with the category of Gay Bar. 
Try 5 more until Level 50!

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Sunday, June 19, 2016

New Untappd Badges: Des Moines Beer Week (2016) & Los Angeles Beer Week (2016)

Name: Des Moines Beer Week (2016) 

 It’s Des Moines Beer Week! Be sure to check out all of the events happening around town at

How To Unlock:
- Check-in to any beer at one (1) participating venue listed below 
- Active between 6/17 - 6/26
- Add location to your checkin

Venue Example:

Name: Los Angeles Beer Week (2016) 

Celebrate LA Beer Week and toast to LA's rapidly growing craft beer scene. Dozens of amazing events await you at and at @LABeerWeek on Twitter!

How To Unlock:
- Check-in to any beer within the greater Los Angeles area during LABW
- Active between June 18th - 26th 
- Add location to your checkins

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Friday, June 17, 2016

Path Launch New Features #PathDaily, Profile URL, Location Photos & More

Personal Social Networking Path launch new features for Android user starting June, 16th while download new update on Google PlayStore and starting June, 20th, iOS user can update new apps on App Store.

There is change log of Path for Android:

- Visual Thoughts: A surprise for you! Watch your thought moment transform from words to an image by adding #pathdaily at the end of your post.

- Moment Editing: Have a typo? Need to fix a location? Forgot to tag a friend? now you can edit your posted moment!

- Location Photos: When you check out a location page, you’ll see photos from your friends who were also there!

- Profile URL: In Moments section, you’ll find your unique profile URL. Use it to connect with new friends on Path!. There is my URL profile picture:

Layanan sosial media terbatas milik group Daum Kakao yang ngehits di Indonesia merilis versi baru aplikasi dengan fitur-fitur terbarunya yang langsung banyak dicoba para pengguna dan memenuhi timeline Path (khususnya dari pengguna Android dan diikuti pengguna iOS berikutnya).

Saat ini memang update tersebut diperuntukkan bagi pengguna Path di Android tetapi pengguna iOS (iPhone/ iPad) tak perlu kuatir ketinggalan kekinian karena tinggal tunggu waktu rilis di App Store). | Update 20 June16: Pengguna iOS sekarang juga dapat menggunakan fitur-fitur terbaru dari Path dengan mengupdate aplikasi Path melalui App Store.

Fitur pertama yang langsung dicoba pastinya "Visual Thoughts" yakni saat kita menulis di bagian teks atau "Thought" sesuai keinginan kita terus di akhir tulisan ditambahkan #PathDaily dan klik "Save" maka Path akan otomatis mencarikan gambar secara random dan jadi postingan momen dalam bentuk gambar dan quotes. Untuk membuat momen #PathDaily ini hanya dibatasi sebanyak 110 karakter saja.

Fitur berikutnya adalah "Moment Editing" yang sangat bermanfaat bagi yang sering salah ketik, lupa nge-tag temen, salah atau lupa menambahkan lokasi sekarang bisa men-edit postingan momen tersebut dengan cara klik bagian kanan atas dan keluar menu "Edit" dan "Delete".

Fitur baru "Location Photos" dapat digunakan juga untuk melihat suatu location termasuk siapa saja teman kita yang pernah checkins di situ dan foto-foto yang pernah diposting di lokasi tersebut.

Bagi yang masih pengen punya teman untuk memenuhi kuota 500 teman sekarang lebih gampang share halaman profile kita di Path dengan dirilisnya "Profile URL". Caranya cukup membuka halaman profile kita sendiri di aplikasi Path dan lihat di bagian bawah jumlah momen dan tertera URL yang bisa diklik untuk di-share dalam bentuk link ataupun invite teman. Contoh alamat URL adalah

Fitur lain yang sudah rilis selain di change log yaitu fitur yang mirip di Facebook "On This Day" atau aplikasi Timehop. Fitur tersebut akan dapat ditemui di halaman notifikasi yang menampilkan postingan dengan tanggal yang sama tetapi yang dilakukan di tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

Silahkan mencoba fitur-fitur terbaru Path dengan donload aplikasi di Play Store untuk Android dan di App Store untuk pengguna iOS.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

New Untappd Badges: Sour Sisters II – Halia, Host One to Remember & Mosaic Promise: Art of Aroma

Name: Sour Sisters II – Halia (2016) 

You've unlocked the second of 6 Goose Island Sour Sister badges. This month's release is Halia - a farmhouse ale aged in wine barrels with whole peaches. Look for our next badge in August. Cheers!

How To Unlock:
- Check-in one (1) of any vintage of the Sour Sisters (Gillian, Lolita, Juliet, Halia, Madam Rose) - Active between 6/15/16 – 7/15/16.

Name: Host One to Remember 

Leave your mark by hosting an unforgettable experience. Stella Artois brings thought, care and detail to everything we touch, elevating the hosting experience and inspiring you to do the same. Thank you for hosting one to remember with Stella Artois.

How To Unlock:
- Check-in one (1) Stella Artois 
- Active between 6/14/16 – 9/18/16

Name: Mosaic Promise: Art of Aroma 

With its sweet scent of tropical fruits, you’ll taste Founders Brewing Co.’s single-hop ale, Mosaic Promise, before it even hits your lips. Experience the Art of Aroma by picking up this rich, golden beer in 6-pack bottles and on draft. Find it near you using the Founders mobile app!

How To Unlock:
- Check-in to one (1) Mosaic Promise from Founders Brewing Co
- Active between June 15th - July 15th

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

New Untappd Badges: VOTE BEER With The Greene Turtle


Thanks for joining the Greene Turtle Party and VOTING BEER! Try 2 more beers to earn VOTE BEER Campaign Intern badge and a total of 10 beers to earn VOTE BEER Campaign Manager badge.

How To Unlock:
- Check-in to any one (1) beer at any of The Greene Turtle locations listed below
- Add location to your checkins
- Active between June 13th - July 31st.

Venue Example:

Name: VOTE BEER Campaign Intern 

Way to support the Greene Turtle Party! You’re now a VOTE BEER Campaign Intern and on your way to earning the VOTE BEER Campaign Manager badge.

How To Unlock:
- Check-in to a total of three (3) beers at The Greene Turtle
- Add location to your checkins
- Active between June 13th - July 31st.

Name: VOTE BEER Campaign Manager 

You're now a #VOTEBEER Campaign Manager. Your responsibilities? Drink beer. Have fun. Join The Greene Turtle Mug Club.

How To Unlock:
check-in to a total of ten (10) beers at The Greene Tutrtle
- Add location to your checkins
- Active between June 13th - July 31st.

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Saturday, June 11, 2016

New Untappd Badges: Zagovor Crew, Western Mass Beer Week & Winchester Craft Beer Week (2016)

Name: Zagovor Crew

 Hi! Here is the easter egg dedicated to all our supporters and loyal drinkers out there. Enjoy our beer! Cheers from Zagovor Brewery and thank you! Спасибо вам!

How To Unlock:
- Check-in to one (1) beer made by Zagovor Brewery within a 30 mile radius of Moscow 
- Active between June 10th - June 19th
- Add Location to your checkins

Name: Western Mass Beer Week (2016) 

 Happy Western Mass Beer Week! Thanks for exploring what’s brewing in the other side of Massachusetts! For more information about Western MA check out

How To Unlock:
- Check-in three beers from any of the participating breweries list (below)
- Active during Western Mass Beer Week (June 11th – 18th)
- Add location to your checkins

Venue List Example:

Name: Winchester Craft Beer Week (2016) 

Cheers to you for raising your glass during Winchester Craft Beer Week! Celebrate craft beer with great beer dinners, pint nights and tap takeovers. Check out to find craft beer happenings all week long!

How To Unlock:
- Check-in to any beer at three (3) different participating venues listed (below) 
- Active between 6/11/16 - 6/17/16.
- Add location to your checkins

Venue List Example:

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

New Untappd Badges: Knoxville Craft Beer Week (2016) & Oregon Is Awesome

Name: Knoxville Craft Beer Week (2016)


How To Unlock:
- Check-in to any beer at one (1) participating venue listed below 
- Active between June 9th - June 20th
- Add location to your checkins

Venue Example:

Name: Oregon Is Awesome 

 Thanks for enjoying Oregon beer. Here’s to all the great breweries and beers that make Oregon Awesome!

How To Unlock:
- Check-in to any one (1) beer from Widmer Brothers & one (1) beer from any other Oregon-based brewery (see qualifying list here
- Active between June 7th - September 5th

Beers Example:

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

New Untappd Badges: Lagunitas Born Again Yesterday & Sour Beers of Summer

Name: Lagunitas Born Again Yesterday 

The Lagunitas brewers are part-time alchemists and have figured out how to keep wet hops wet all-freakin’-year-long. Congrats… It’s a beer (again)! Learn more over at

How To Unlock:
- Active between June 6th - July 6th

Name: Sour Beers of Summer 

Thank you for checking in to Yard House and enjoying this unique beer style! To view the full beer menu click here!

How To Unlock: 
- Check-in to three (3) different sour style beers (accepted categories: Sour Ale, American Wild Ale, Lambic, Gose, Berliner Weisse, Flanders Red Ale, Flanders Oud Bruin, Gueuz, Faro)
- Venue any Yard House location 
- Active between June 6th - July 4th
- Add Location 

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Friday, June 3, 2016

New Untappd Badges: Madrid Beer Week (2016) & Southeast Missouri Craft Beer Week (2016)

Name: Madrid Beer Week (2016) 

Gracias por participar en la Madrid Beer Week. Puedes consultar los detalles de los eventos en:

How To Unlock:
- Check-in any beer at three (3) different participating venues from this list 
- Active between June 3rd - 12th. 
- Be sure to add the participating location to your check-in

List Example:

Name: Southeast Missouri Craft Beer Week (2016) 

Thanks for joining us for the first Southeast Missouri Craft Beer Week as we celebrate craft beer in our area. Join us throughout the week as we enjoy beer at multiple locations in Southeast Missouri. Check out our Facebook page for all the details!

How To Unlock:
- Check-in to any beer at one (1) of the participating venues
- Active between June 4th - 11th 
- Be sure to add the participating venue as your location when you check-in 

Venue Example:

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Steller Post: Amazing "Vine" Video

Click To Open

The Latest Steller Post:

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Google Doodles June 2016 (Part 1)

June 3, 2016 Copa América Centenario

Today marks the 100th year of the Copa América Games! This year, for the first time, the United States will host the longest running fútbol tournament of the Americas. Starting today, 16 teams will compete in 32 matches across 10 U.S. cities. Today's fiery matchup takes place at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara — right around the corner from Google headquarters in Mountain View. We'll be listening for the roar of the crowd!

June 3, 2016: Rhee Seund Ja’s 98th birthday

Children's Day is recognized on various days in many places around the world to honor children globally. It was first proclaimed by the World Conference for the Well-being of Children in 1925 and then established universally in 1954 to protect an "appropriate" day. The International Day for Protection of Children is observed in many countries as Children's Day on 1st June since 1950.

June 3, 2016: Rhee Seund Ja’s 98th birthday

Lotte Reininger created visually stunning and fantastical films using black cardboard, scissors, and boundless imagination. Pre-dating Walt Disney by nearly a decade, Reiniger pioneered a style of animation that relied on thousands of photos of paper cut-out silhouettes arranged to tell a story. It was a painstaking process that involved moving paper characters ever so slightly and snapping a photo of each movement.

June 2, 2016 Republic Day Italy 2016

Today we celebrate Italy's Festa della Repubblica! This year is particularly special, as it's the 70th anniversary of Italian Republic. It's also the 70th anniversary of the women's right to vote — thanks to the establishment of universal voting rights. Today's doodle by Alyssa Winans features the Presidential Palace and Museum, II Palazzo del Quirinale. Today, many Italians will spend the day watching parades and official national ceremonies in Rome.

June 1, 2016: Children's Day 2016

Children's Day is recognized on various days in many places around the world to honor children globally. It was first proclaimed by the World Conference for the Well-being of Children in 1925 and then established universally in 1954 to protect an "appropriate" day. The International Day for Protection of Children is observed in many countries as Children's Day on 1st June since 1950.

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Google Doodle.