Tuesday, October 30, 2012
New Untappd Badge To Celebrate Halloween Day, "Witch's Brew (2012)"
Name: Witch's Brew (2012)
"Don't let the ghosts of beers past catch up with you. There's no telling what terrible things they may do. Happy Halloween from Untappd!"
How To Unlock:
- Active during Halloween Day 2012
- Checkin any brews
Halloween Ale
More Untappd Badge:
Saturday, October 27, 2012
New Yotomo Badges To Celebrate Hari #SumpahPemuda (Badge #Kibar Indonesia & Hari Sumpah Pemuda 2012)
Dalam rangka Hari Sumpah Pemuda 28 Oktober 2012, Yotomo bersama dengan Sekber Relawan Jokowi-Basuki mengeluarkan badge spesial di acara Kibar Indonesia atau Kirab Budaya Rakyat Indonesia yang akan berlangsung mulai jam 7 pagi sampe 11 siang.
Acara Kibar Indonesia dimulai dari Balai Kota - Thamrin dan Monas yang akan diikuti oleh ribuan peserta temasuk gubernur DKI Joko Widodo. Bagi user Yotomo juga bisa unlock badge Full House 250+ dan 500+ apabila terpenuhi jumlah checkin di lokasi acara tersebut.
Berikut cara unlock 2 badge dalam rangka Hari Sumpah Pemuda (2012):
Name: #Kibar Indonesia
Message: Kirab Budaya Rakyat Indonesia. Cinta Budaya Indonesia.
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 28 October 2012 (Limited Time at 7-11am WIB)
- Checkin at venue Monumen Nasional (MONAS) link mobile
- Add comment/ shout say something about Hari Sumpah Pemuda plus hastag #kibar and mention @kibarindo
- Share Facebook dan Twitter
Name: Hari Sumpah Pemuda (2012) #SumpahPemuda
Message: Selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda 28 Oktober 2012
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 28 October 2012
- Checkin anywhere (worldwide)
- Add comment/ shout say something about Hari Sumpah Pemuda
- Share Facebook dan Twitter
More Yotomo Badge:
Acara Kibar Indonesia dimulai dari Balai Kota - Thamrin dan Monas yang akan diikuti oleh ribuan peserta temasuk gubernur DKI Joko Widodo. Bagi user Yotomo juga bisa unlock badge Full House 250+ dan 500+ apabila terpenuhi jumlah checkin di lokasi acara tersebut.
Berikut cara unlock 2 badge dalam rangka Hari Sumpah Pemuda (2012):
Name: #Kibar Indonesia
Message: Kirab Budaya Rakyat Indonesia. Cinta Budaya Indonesia.
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 28 October 2012 (Limited Time at 7-11am WIB)
- Checkin at venue Monumen Nasional (MONAS) link mobile
- Add comment/ shout say something about Hari Sumpah Pemuda plus hastag #kibar and mention @kibarindo
- Share Facebook dan Twitter
Name: Hari Sumpah Pemuda (2012) #SumpahPemuda
Message: Selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda 28 Oktober 2012
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 28 October 2012
- Checkin anywhere (worldwide)
- Add comment/ shout say something about Hari Sumpah Pemuda
- Share Facebook dan Twitter
More Yotomo Badge:
Friday, October 26, 2012
New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Halloween - Ghoul Night"
Name: Ghoul Night
"Party hard, and maybe tonight, someone will FINALLY recognize your Susan B. Anthony costume. (People, she’s on the silver dollar!)"
How to Unlock:
- Active during Halloween Day (31 October 2012)
- Shout: Happy Halloween
- Shout: Happy Halloween
- Checkin at Halloween Venue
Venue Example:
Buat yang di luar US juga bisa di coba, yang di Indonesia coba aja sekitar jam 4-5 sore nanti (1 november 2012) siapa tau bisa...
Follow me on foursquare or twitter @tamtomo2 or @pc_holic for new update foursquare badges
Full Halloween Badge Edition:
New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Halloween - Zombie Swarm"
"Ermagherd! This place is swarming! At least five Boy Scouts are in line for the bathroom (thanks a lot, Wes Anderson), there’s a Gangnam Style flash mob coming your way, and… is that a slutty Big Bird making out with Bane in the corner? Shut it down."
How to Unlock:
- Active during Halloween Day (27-31 October 2012)
- Checkin at venue with Swarming after 9pm
Venue Example:
Venue Example:
Follow me on foursquare or twitter @tamtomo2 or @pc_holic for new update foursquare badges
New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Halloween 2012"
Name: Halloween 2012
"You made it to the party only to find your ingenious iPad Mini costume (refrigerator box FTW!) doesn’t fit through the door. Now you’re stuck outside with the Mars Rover and a bunch of binders. Next year, it’s back to the old standby: Bob Ross."
How to Unlock:
- Active during Halloween Day (26-31 October 2012)
- Checkin anywhere (worldwide)
- Add shout: Happy Halloween
Follow me on foursquare or twitter @tamtomo2 or @pc_holic for new update foursquare badges
Follow me on foursquare or twitter @tamtomo2 or @pc_holic for new update foursquare badges
New Yotomo Badge: How To Unlock "Hari #Listrik Nasional (2012)"
Name: Hari #Listrik Nasional (2012)
" Hari #Listrik Nasional (2012) Listrik Menggerakkan Kehidupan Bangsa. Selamat Hari Listrik Nasional 27 Oktober 2012"
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 27.October.2012
- Follow Twitter @YotomoApp and Like Facebook Page
- Checkin at anywhere (worldwide).
- Add comment or shout: Selamat Hari #Listrik Nasional 27 Oktober 2012
- Share your checkin and shout to Twitter and Facebook
More Yotomo Badges:
New Yotomo Badge: How To Unlock "Hari #Blogger Nasional (2012)"
Name: Hari #Blogger Nasional (2012)
"Don't forget to blogging everyday. Happy Blogger Day 27 October 2012"
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 27.October.2012
- Follow Twitter @YotomoApp and Like Facebook Page
- Checkin at anywhere (worldwide).
- Add comment or shout: Happy #Blogger Day 27 October 2012
- Share your checkin and shout to Twitter and Facebook
More Yotomo Badges:
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "High Tea" Badge
Name: High Tea
"Biscuits. Scones. Jam. Whether it’s Devonshire cream or Earl Grey with lemon, one should always pair it with Victoria Sponge and cucumber sandwiches (no crusts, natch). Chin chin!"
How To Unlock:
- Limited location (United Kingdom)
- Checkin at the venue category "Tea Room"
- Limited time (active during Tea Time 3-5 pm UK time or conversion to 9-11 pm WIB)
- Limited time (active during Tea Time 3-5 pm UK time or conversion to 9-11 pm WIB)
Venue Example at London:
Follow me on foursquare or twitter @tamtomo2 or @pc_holic for new update foursquare badges
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Love My Local" Badge
Name: Love My Local
"That’s 3 check-ins at the same pub in the UK! Nothing tops an evening with friends at your local boozer – except, perhaps, your friends buying all the rounds. One more before last orders?"
How To Unlock:
- Limited location (United Kingdom)
- Checkin at the same pub 3 times (different days)
Venue Example at London:
The Southampton Arms -
Follow me on foursquare or twitter @tamtomo2 or @pc_holic for new update foursquare badges
Badge Baru Yotomo Dalam Rangka Hari Dokter Nasional (2012)
Name: Hari Dokter Nasional (2012)
"Dokter untuk Bangsa dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Jangan lupa check in untuk check up.
Selamat Hari Dokter Nasional 24 Oktober 2012."
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 24.October.2012
- Follow Twitter @YotomoApp and Like Facebook Page
- Checkin at Hospitals, Doctor's Offices, Medical Center, Emergency Rooms or Dentist's Office.
- Add comment or shout: Selamat Hari Dokter Nasional 24 Oktober 2012
- Share your checkin and shout to Twitter and Facebook
More Yotomo Badge:
Monday, October 22, 2012
New Untappd Badge to Celebrate @untappd 2nd Annivesary
Name: Untappd 2nd Anniversary
"Another year of drinking socially has passed as we celebrate our 2nd Anniversary. Cheers to you and to our entire community for the continued support!"
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 22-26 October 2012
- Checkin any brews
More Untappd Badge:
Sunday, October 21, 2012
New Foursquare NFL Badge: How To Unlock "Jacksonville Jaguars"
Name: Jacksonville Jaguars
"They're on the prowl and they're feeling bold. Get ready for some teal, black, and gold. Go Jaguars!"
How To Unlock:
- Like "Jacksonville Jaguars on foursquare"
- Active during Jacksonville Jaguars game on NFL, schedule
- Checkin at "Jacksonville Jaguars" game day venue and choose event (list bellow)
- Leveling Badge, always checkin during their game day.
- Leveling Badge, always checkin during their game day.
- Must real checkin with foursquare apps for android, iPhone, BlackBerry or the other mobile apps or via Fake Location on your device/ PC.
- Need real checkin? you can use Location Spoofer (Android), LocationHolic (iPhone jailbreak) or via personal computer (install BlueStack Android emulator and Location Spoofer or Fake GPS)
List Venue and Schedule:
21.10.12, 4:25 PM (22.10.12, 03:25 AM WIB): Jacksonville Jaguars vs Oakland Raiders at Coliseum, link venue
(Long-Lat: 37.75141203122262,-122.200927734375)
28.10.12, 01:00 PM (29.10.12, 00:00 AM WIB): Jacksonville Jaguars vs Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field, link venue
(Long-Lat: 44.50123457327956,-88.06215763092041)
(Long-Lat: 37.75141203122262,-122.200927734375)
28.10.12, 01:00 PM (29.10.12, 00:00 AM WIB): Jacksonville Jaguars vs Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field, link venue
(Long-Lat: 44.50123457327956,-88.06215763092041)
Follow me on foursquare ot Twitter @tamtomo2 @pc_holic for new update foursquare badges
Screenshot Android + Location Spoofer:
Monday, October 15, 2012
Interactive Google Doodle To Celebrate 170th Winsor McCay's Little Nemo in Slumberland
Mesin pencari Google tanggal 15 Oktober 2012 ini menerbitkan logo Google (Google Doodle) yang unik dan interakatif dalam rangka memperingati 170th Winsor McCay's Little Nemo in Slumberland. Karakter komik Little Nemo karya Winsor McCay tersebut terbit pertama kali tanggal 15 Oktober 1905 di koran New York Herald.
Little Nemo, salah satu komik yang dibuat berdasarkan petualangan seorang anak laki-laki enam-tahunan, terbit setiap hari Minggu di New York Herald 1905-1911. Petualangan Nemo adalah menginginkan Princess of Slumberland (putri Raja Morpheus) untuk menjadi teman bermainnya.
Google Doodle kali ini ada 8 strip komik interaktif yang bisa dipanjangin ke bawah sampai cerita utuh dengan cara klik logo tersebut. Berikut screenshot selengkapnya:
YouTube Video:
More about Winsor McCay :
More about Little Nemo :
More about Little Nemo :
More Google Doodle:
New Yotomo Badge "Apa Idemu" #ApaIdemu Jadikan Indonesia Lebih Baik by Pertamax
Yotomo turut mendukung the ActionNation movement dengan mendorong semua untuk menyumbangkan ide-ide terbaiknya untuk menjadikan Indonesia lebih baik. Movement ini dipelopori oleh Pertamax.
Ada 2 cara buat nyumbangin ide-ide kamu:
1. Ide Besar.
Ide Besarmu ini dapat memenangkan hadiah yang totalnya hingga Rp.100 Juta dengan rincian Rp.50 juta (Juara I), Rp.25 Juta (Juara II), Rp.15 Juta (Juara III) dan Rp.10 Juta (Juara Favorit).
Ide Besarmu yang diikutsertakan boleh dalam berbagai bidang dan diaplikasikan dengan berbagai cara dan dapat dijalankan secara individu/ kelompok maupun komunitas. Tata cara ikutan ide besar bisa liat di sedangkan persyaratan lengkap bisa liat di sini
Untuk memasukan Ide Besarmu ini, sebagai pengguna Yotomo, kamu bisa langsung login pada dan memasukan ide besarmu sebagai presentasi singkat dalam bentuk video, gambar atau file presentasi lainnya yang menjelaskan ide besar kamu.
Buat mendaftarkan ide besarmu tersebut disediakan waktu mulai 15 Oktober 2012 sampai 30 November 2012, sedangkan pengumuman 8 finalis tanggal 5 Desember 2012, presentasi ide besarmu tanggal 11-12 Desember 2012 dan terakhir pengumuman pemenang pada tanggal 12 Desember 2012
2. Ide Singkat.

Selain disediakan badge spesial "Apa Idemu" yang akan keluar tanggal 17 Oktober 2012, Ide Singkatmu yang paling banyak vote akan mendapatkan tiket nonton 5CM gratis pada tanggal 12/12/12 dan berbagai hadiah yang disediakan Yotomo. Ide Singkatmu juga bisa diliat secara lengkap di halaman dan kamu bisa ikutan vote Ide Singkat temen kamu.
Berikut cara mendapatkan badge "Apa Idemu" dan menyumbangkan Ide Singkatmu:
- Buka halaman dan klik tombol "Share" di bawah buat share video ke akun Twitter dan Facebook (pastikan akun Yotomo kamu tersambung dengan akun Twitter dan Facebook)
- Melakukan checkin dimana saja menggunakan aplikasi Yotomo (BlackBerry atau Android) atau mobile version
- Menambahkan shout dengan memberikan Ide Singkat untuk membuat Indonesia lebih baik
- Tambahkan hashtag dan mention pada shout: #ApaIdemu @PertamaxIND
- Jangan lupa share ke Twitter dan Facebook
- Jangan lupa follow Twitter @PertamaxIND dan Like Facebook Page PertamaxIND di
Bagi pengguna baru Yotomo bisa download aplikasi Yotomo for BlackBerry di dan bagi pengguna Android bisa download Yotomo for Android di
Ikuti terus update di Twitter @tamtomo2 dan @PC_holic buat info badge terbaru Yotomo. Cara unlock badge Yotomo terdahulu bisa liat di
New Yotomo Badge To Celebrate World Food Day (2012) #WFD2012
Name: World Food Day (2012)
"Build a world without hunger, we are strong together, let's do agricultural cooperatives. Now see what tasty foods are available at our partners."
How To Unlock:
- Follow Twitter @YotomoApp and Like Facebook Page
- Active Date 16 October 2012
- Checkin anywhere (worldwide)
- Add shout/ comment: #WFD2012 World Food Day 16 October 2012
- Share to Twitter and Facebook
More Yotomo Badges:
Follow Me on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic for new update Yotomo Badges
Sunday, October 14, 2012
New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Seattle Seahawks" Badge
Name: Seattle Seahawks
"Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Louder! Thanks for creating the best home field advantage in the league. SEA - HAWKS!"
How To Unlock:
- Like "Seattle Seahawks on foursquare"
- Active during Seattle Seahawks game on NFL, schedule
- Checkin at "Seattle Seahawks" game day venue and choose event (list bellow)
- Leveling Badge, always checkin during their game day.
- Leveling Badge, always checkin during their game day.
- Must real checkin with foursquare apps for android, iPhone, BlackBerry or the other mobile apps or via Fake Location on your device/ PC.
- Need real checkin? you can use Location Spoofer (Android), LocationHolic (iPhone jailbreak) or via personal computer (install BlueStack Android emulator and Location Spoofer or Fake GPS)
List Venue and Schedule:
14.10.12, 1:05 PM (15.10.12, 00:05 AM WIB): New England Patriots vs Seattle Seahawks at Century Field
(Long-Lat: 47.59507995257869,-122.3317337036132)
18.10.12, 5:20 PM (19.10.12, 5:20 AM WIB): Seattle Seahawks vs San Francisco 49ers at Candlestick Park
(Long-Lat 37.7134556467668,-122.3862361907959)
(Long-Lat: 47.59507995257869,-122.3317337036132)
18.10.12, 5:20 PM (19.10.12, 5:20 AM WIB): Seattle Seahawks vs San Francisco 49ers at Candlestick Park
(Long-Lat 37.7134556467668,-122.3862361907959)
Follow me on foursquare ot Twitter @tamtomo2 @pc_holic for new update foursquare badges
Screenshot Android + Location Spoofer:
Thursday, October 11, 2012
New Yotomo Badges for Social Media Fest 2012: #SocMedFest2012, Giliran Muke Loe #GML and #UPDATERUS
Name: #SocMedFest2012
Social Media Fest 2012: Create & Collaborate! 12,13,14 Oktober 2012, Gelanggang Renang Senayan
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 12-14.Oct.2012 (during Social Media Fest 2012)
- Location Gelanggang Renang Senayan Jakarta
- Checkin via QR Code with BlackBerry or Android Apps
- Shout: Join #SocMedFest2012
- Share Twitter and Facebook
Name: Giliran Muke Loe
Tempat Loe Narsis, Tempat Loe Eksis.
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 12-14.Oct.2012 (during Social Media Fest 2012)
- Location Gelanggang Renang Senayan Jakarta
- Checkin via QR Code with BlackBerry or Android Apps
- Shout: #GML Tempat Loe Narsis, Tempat Loe Eksis.
- Share Twitter and Facebook
For Men to be Smarter and Richer. Find Out
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 12-14.Oct.2012 (during Social Media Fest 2012)
- Location Gelanggang Renang Senayan Jakarta
- Checkin via QR Code with BlackBerry or Android Apps
- Shout: #UPDATERUS For Men to be Smarter and Richer.
- Share Twitter and Facebook
More Yotomo Badges:
New Untappd Badge: How To Unlock "America's Premier Beerfest (2012)"
Name: America's Premier Beerfest (2012)
"So you're one of those lucky few living it up at America's premier beerfest! You're probably busy sampling a vast array of beers from around the world and making all your friends jealous with your check-ins. Keep it up!"
How To Unlock:
- Active during 2012 Great American Beer Festival (10-14 Oct 2012)
- Check-in at least once while you’re experiencing the hundreds of amazing brews at GABF and be sure to add your location (within 5 miles of the festival)!
- Venue example; Convention Center
More Untappd Badge:
New Foursquare Badge: How To Unlock "Comic Con 2012" Badge
Name: Comic Con 2012
"Good morning, meatbags. After you unlock all 3 variant editions of the NYCC badge (just kidding, there’s only one), go harass BKV about the next issue of Saga, and convince @mckelvie he’s missing out. Oh, and be sure to make time for some cosplay gawking.
How To Unlock:
- Checkin at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center (NY)
- Mobile venue
Follow me on foursquare and twitter @tamtomo2 or @PC_holic for new update foursquare badges
New Yotomo Badge "The Island Of Peace" To Commemorate 10 Years Bali Bombings
Name: The Island Of Peace
"Our prayer always be with all the victims and their families of Bali
Bombing Tragedy (12 October 2002). We never forget!"
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 12.Oct.2012 (10 years Bali
Bombing Tragedy, 2002-2012)
- Follow Twitter @YotomoApp and Facebook Page
- Checkin anywhere (worldwide)
- Shout/ comment about 10 year commemoration of Bali Bombing Tragedy + Hashtag #NeverForget
- Share to Twitter and Facebook
More Yotomo Badges:
Monday, October 8, 2012
New Yotomo Badge to Celebrate "World Post Day (2012) "
Name: World Post Day (2012)
"World Post day happens each year on October 9, remembering this date for the establishment of Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 1874 in Bern, Switzerland. The UPU was the start of global communications revolution, people could write to others all over the world."
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 09.October.2012
- Follow Twitter @YotomoApp and Like Facebook Page
- Checkin anywhere (Worldwide)
- Shout: Happy World Post Day 9 October 2012
- Share to Twitter and Facebook
More Yotomo Badges:
New Yotomo Badge: #FutureFactory by Manulife Financial at Gandaria City (2nd Badge)
Name: #FutureFactory by Manulife Financial at Gandaria City
Recognize your child's potential with handwriting analysis
Kenali potensi anak Anda melalui Handwriting Analysis dr Manulife (GRATIS), 8-14 Okt, Gandaria City lt LG. #futurefactory
How To Unlock:
- The 2nd Badge of 6 Badges #FutureFactory by Manulife Financial
- Active Date 8-14 Oktober (11am to 9pm WIB)
- Join the #FutureFactory events at Gandaria City (Lower Ground Floor)
- Checkin via QR Code for BlackBerry/ Android Apps
- Shout: @ (mention your friend name) Ayo ajak anak anda hr ini ke Gandaria City lt.LG pk11-21 , ikuti handwriting analysis (GRATIS)
- Share to Twitter and Facebook
More Yotomo Badges:
Saturday, October 6, 2012
New Yotomo Badge: How To Unlock "Kota Kasablanka" Badge
Name: Kota Kasablanka
"Light Up The Color Of Your Life. Find out at "
How To Unlock:
- Active Starting 07.10.2012
- Find QR Code and checkin using BlackBerry or Android Apps at Kota Kasablanka (Jl. Casablanka Raya No 88 Jakarta)
- Yotomo Venue
- Share your checkin to friends, Twitter and Facebook
More Yotomo Badge:
New Untappd Badge To Celebrate 170th Golden Beer Birthday
Name: 170th Golden Beer Birthday
First tapped on November 11, 1842, the original pilsner is celebrating its 170th birthday this year! The sublime taste and golden color has made it a hit throughout the decades. Cheers to you, Pilsner Urquell!
How To Unlock:
- Active date December 8th - November 11st 2012
- Checkin to three (3) of the original golden beer, Pilsner Urquell.
More Untappd Badge:
Monday, October 1, 2012
New Yotomo Badge To Celebrate Hari #Batik Nasional (2012)
Name: Hari #Batik Nasional (2012)
"Yotomo Tribute to #Batik Indonesia. Selamat Hari #Batik Nasional Indonesia 2 Oktober 2012"
How To Unlock:
- Active Date 02 October 2012
- Follow Twitter @YotomoApp
- Like Facebook Page
- Checkin Anywhere (Worldwide)
- Add comment/ shout: Selamat Hari #Batik Nasional Indonesia 2 Oktober 2012
- Share to Twitter and Facebook
More Yotomo Badges:
New Yotomo Badge: How To Unlock "#FutureFactory by Manulife Financial (1st Badge)"
Name: #FutureFactory by Manulife Financial
"Recognize your child's potential with handwriting analysis
Kenali potensi anak Anda melalui Handwriting Analysis dr Manulife (GRATIS), 8-14 Okt, Gandaria City lt LG. #futurefactory"
How To Unlock:
- Check in anywhere (worldwide)
- Add comment/ shout: Kenali potensi anak Anda melalui Handwriting Analysis (Gratis) dr Manulife, 8-14 Okt, Gandaria City lt LG #futurefactory (plus mention Twitter Friend Name. You have to mention a friend on Twitter who has children)
- Share to Facebook and Twitter
Additional Notes
Do you wanna know your child’s potential?
Do you wanna know your child’s potential?
Manulife Financial is partnering with Yotomo to issue 6 Future Factory badges.
The first badge will be available starting Monday, October 1 until October 7.
This badge is one of the six badges by Manulife Financial.
This series of badges aim to invite parents to come to Future Factory by Manulife Financial events.
The first event will be held from October 8 to October 14 at Gandaria City.
Parents with the first badge are recommended to come with their children to the Future Factory event at Gandaria City starting Oct 8 – Oct 14 to get a free handwriting analysis for the children.
More Yotomo Badges:
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