
Friday, May 30, 2014

Apple To Acquire Beats Music & Beats Electronics For US $3 Billion

Apple beberapa hari lalu secara resmi merilis berita tentang akuisisi-nya terhadap Beats Music dan Beats Electronic dengan harga $3 Billion. Dengan akuisisi tersebut artinya layanan musik streaming Beats dan produsen headphone, speaker dan audio software akan berada di bawah kontrol langsung pihak Apple. 2 orang founder Beats yakni Jimmy Iovine dan Dr. Dre akan langsung masuk ke jajaran manajemen Apple.

Kita tunggu aja update tentang Beats di bawah Apple dan silahkan baca selengkapnya rilis resmi dari Apple di bawah ini:

CUPERTINO, California—May 28, 2014—Apple® today announced it has agreed to acquire the critically acclaimed subscription streaming music service Beats Music, and Beats Electronics, which makes the popular Beats headphones, speakers and audio software. As part of the acquisition, Beats co-founders Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre will join Apple. Apple is acquiring the two companies for a total of $3 billion, consisting of a purchase price of approximately $2.6 billion and approximately $400 million that will vest over time.

“Music is such an important part of all of our lives and holds a special place within our hearts at Apple,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “That’s why we have kept investing in music and are bringing together these extraordinary teams so we can continue to create the most innovative music products and services in the world.”

“I’ve always known in my heart that Beats belonged with Apple,” said Jimmy Iovine. “The idea when we started the company was inspired by Apple’s unmatched ability to marry culture and technology. Apple’s deep commitment to music fans, artists, songwriters and the music industry is something special.”

Iovine has been at the forefront of innovation in the music industry for decades, and he has been an instrumental partner for Apple and iTunes® for more than a decade. He has produced or collaborated with some of the most successful artists in the history of the iTunes Store®, helping make it the world’s number one music retailer. Iovine and Dr. Dre are sound pioneers, artists and entrepreneurs.

Beats Electronics has brought the energy, emotion and excitement of playback in the recording studio back to the listening experience and has introduced an entirely new generation to premium sound entertainment. Beats Music was developed by a team of people who have each spent their entire career in music and provides music fans with an incredible curated listening experience.

“Music is such an important part of Apple’s DNA and always will be,” said Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice president of Internet Software and Services. “The addition of Beats will make our music lineup even better, from free streaming with iTunes Radio to a world-class subscription service in Beats, and of course buying music from the iTunes Store as customers have loved to do for years.”

In just five years since launch, the Beats “b” has become the brand of choice in the music and sports worlds, and is the market leader in the premium headphone market. Music superstars including Lady Gaga, Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj have designed their own customized Beats headphones and speakers. Fashion designers and street artists such as Alexander Wang, Futura and Snarkitecture have collaborated on special limited products, while renowned athletes including LeBron James, Serena Williams and Neymar use Beats as a critical part of their training and game day process. Beats has quickly become part of pop culture in the US and with the acquisition the Beats product lineup will be offered in many more countries through the Apple Online Store, Apple’s retail stores and select Apple Authorized Resellers.

Subject to regulatory approvals, Apple expects the transaction to close in fiscal Q4.

Formally established in 2008 as the brainchild of legendary artist and producer Dr. Dre and Chairman of Interscope Geffen A&M Records Jimmy Iovine, Beats Electronics (Beats) comprises the Beats by Dr. Dre family of premium consumer headphones, earphones, and speakers as well as patented Beats Audio software technology and streaming music subscription service Beats Music. Through these offerings, Beats has effectively brought the energy, emotion and excitement of playback in the recording studio to the listening experience and has introduced an entirely new generation to the possibilities of premium sound entertainment.

Beats Music is a subscription streaming music service that focuses on providing a personalized music experience for each user through a unique blend of digital innovation and musical passion. Programmed by a trusted team of well-respected music experts with over 300 years of experience across all genres, Beats Music delivers the right music for any situation, any time, and any preference, personalized to your tastes. The result is an artist-friendly digital music service that does more than simply offer access to music, but one that establishes an emotional connection to it as well.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.

Source: Apple - Beats Music

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New Untappd Badge "Fat Tire Experience" by New Belgium Brewing

Name: Fat Tire Experience

You just drank in the Fat Tire Experience! Fat Tire pairs well with good friends, good times and Untappd. Win the Fat Tire Experience at "!

How To Unlock:
- Available between June 1st and September 30th, 2014
- Checking in to at least one (1) Fat Tire Amber Ale.

Beer Example:
Fat Tire

It’s Summer and nothing pairs with good friends and good times quite as well as a Fat Tire from New Belgium Brewing. Named in honor of their co-founder’s bike trip through Europe, Fat Tire Amber Ale is loved for it’s sense of balance - toasty, biscuit-like malt flavors coasting in equilibrium with hoppy freshness. Perfectly refreshing on a warm Summer day, sipping a Fat Tire is an experience all it’s own. -  [Blog Untappd]

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New Untappd Badge To Celebrate Winchester Beer Week (2014)

Name: Winchester Beer Week (2014)

Cheers to you for raising your glass during Winchester Craft Beer Week! Celebrate craft beer with great beer dinners, pint nights and tap takeovers. Check out to find craft beer happenings all week long!

How To Unlock:
- Available during Winchester Beer Week, between May 31st & June 7th, 2014
- Check-in to at least one (1) of the participating venues.
- Add location to your checkin.

Venue Example:
Café del Sol

This Saturday, the city of Winchester, VA kicks of it’s very own week of beer greatness. Featuring a line up of great breweries from across the country, paired with delicious meals from local restaurants, Winchester Craft Beer Week is sure to be a great time for all. Starting May 31st and running through June 6th, local bars and restaurants will feature a variety of beer related events, culminating with the Hop Blossom Craft Beer Festival on June 7th. [Blog Untappd]

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Kakao Launch KakaoTalk Messenger for Mac

Setelah merger dengan salah satu portal terbesar kedua di Korea "Daum", Kakao sebagai pemilik layanan instant messenger lintas platform merilis aplikasi KakaoTalk for Mac melengkapi platform desktop sebelumnya KakaoTalk for PC. Pengguna Mac bisa langsung download aplikasi KakaoTalk for Mac di Mac App Store.

Aplikasi KakaoTalk for Mac baru tersedia dalam bahasa Korea dan English, memiliki fitur-fitur sebagai berikut:

- KakaoTalk conveniently syncs your chats with your mobile device. Friends all over the world are never far from reach with KakaoTalk. Chat one-on-one or in a group, any time of day, as much as you like. 
- Receive and download a variety of files View and download photos, videos and more from the chatroom. 
- Remote log out and lock mode Remote log out allows you to keep your KakaoTalk secure at all times – no need to worry if you step away from your desk in a hurry. Plus enable lock mode to keep your data safe automatically.

Source: Mac App Store

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Now Available On Twitter Web Version: Multi Photo Upload & Photo Tagging Features

Setelah merilis 2 fitur baru "Photo Tagging" dan "Multi Photo Upload" beberapa waktu lalu buat pengguna Twitter for iOS, sekarang kedua fitur tersebut bisa dicoba di versi Twitter Web selain pengguna iPhone, iPad dan iPod Touch.

Fitur "Photo Tagging" memungkinkan pengguna untuk melalukan "tag" temen lain dalam foto yang di-tweet, maksimal bisa men-tag 10 orang teman. Sedangkan fitur "Multi Photo Upload" memungkinkan penggun auntuk mengunggah 4 buah foto sekaligus dalam 1 tweet.

Untuk mencoba fitur tersebut seperti biasa kalau akan memposting tweet, setelah attach foto akan ada pilihan untuk "Who's in this photo?" dan pilihan "Add More" untuk menambahkan foto yang lain.

Related Post:
Twitter Release New Features "Multi Photo Upload" And "Photo Tagging"

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Apple Special Event "WWDC 2014", Ready For Live Streaming

Ajang tahunan para developer iOS dan OS X Apple segera akan berlangsung di Moscone Center tanggal 2 sampai 6 Juni ini. Apple sudah mengumumkan akan menayangkan langsung secara live streaming Keynote event mulai jam 10 pagi hari Senin (2 Juni) waktu AS atau Selasa dinihari waktu Jakarta.

Penayangan secara live streaming melalui situsnya dengan akses browser Safari 4 dari perangkat Mac OS X v.10.6 or later dan iOS device versi 4.2 or later. Selain akses live straming melalui browser safari juga akan tersedia channel di Apple TV untuk melihat langsung WWDC 2014.

Banyak isue yang sudah beredar tentang materi acara WWDC 2014 tersebut termasuk rumor akan rilisnya perangkat iWatch dan iPhone 5S 8GB. Belum termasuk rumor tentang IOS 8 dan iPhone 6 serta penngumuman paska akuisisi Beats oleh Apple.

Persiapan acara "Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC)" sudah terlihat di Moscone Center tempat berlangsungnya acara, beberapa banner dan dekorasi lain telah menghiasi tempat acara WWDC 2014 seperti gambar di bawah ini. Kita tunggu aja update WWDC di sini...

Related Source:
Apple Release Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2014) Schedule
Apple Announce Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2014)

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Twitter Experiments With a New Hashtags Video-Sharing Feature

Twitter akhir-akhir ini rajin sekali melakukan uji coba dan merilis fitur baru termasuk salah satunya halaman profil baru. Saat ini Twitter sedang melakukan uji coba fitur video-sharing menggunakan hashtag tertentu.

Fitur baru video-sharing tersebut akan menambah fungsi Twitter di sosial media sebagai media untuk berbagi dan menonton video secara mudah lewat Twitter. Kemampuan video-sharing tersebut saat ini bisa dicoba di aplikasi Twitter for iOS untuk pengguna iPhone, iPad dan iPod Touch.

Untuk mencoba fitur tersebut bisa mengetikkan hashtag #amillionwaystodieinthewest atau #amillionways dan Twitter akan memberikan rekomendasi video komedi "A Million Ways to Die in the West". Dari rekomendasi tersebut dapat ditambahkan komentar dan dikirimkan sebagai tweet.

Silahkan mencoba fitur baru tersebut, aplikasi Twitter for iOS dapat didownload di App Store.

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Google Doodle To Celebrate Rachel Louise Carson's 107th Birthday

Google Doodle: Rachel Louise Carson's 107th Birthday
Active Date: 27 May 2014
Source: Google Selected Country

About Rachel Louise Carson:
Rachel Louise Carson (May 27, 1907 – April 14, 1964) was an American marine biologist and conservationist whose book Silent Spring and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement. 
Carson began her career as an aquatic biologist in the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, and became a full-time nature writer in the 1950s. Her widely praised 1951 bestseller The Sea Around Us won her a U.S. National Book Award, recognition as a gifted writer, and financial security. Her next book, The Edge of the Sea, and the reissued version of her first book, Under the Sea Wind, were also bestsellers. This sea trilogy explores the whole of ocean life from the shores to the depths. (Wikipedia)

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Nokia X2 Will Dual-boot Windows Phone & Android And Have Google Play Services

Setelah tersebar bocoran benchmark di AnTuTu, perangkat terbaru penerus generasi Nokia X yang disebut-sebut sebagai Nokia X2 dikabarkan akan didukung dengan fitur dual boot menggunakan android dan windows phone milik induknya Microsoft. Bahkan tersiar akan didukung juga dengan Google Play Service tidak seperti pendahulunya Nokia X, Nokia XL dan Nokia X+.

Dari benchmark yang beredar meneyebutkan kalau Nokia X2 akan mengusung prosesor Qualcomm Snapdragon 200, 1.2 GHz, RAM 1 GB, memori internal 4 GB, layar 4.3 inchi WVGA dan kamera 5 MP. Yang jelas spesifikasi tersebut di atas generasi Nokia X sebelumnya.

Nokia X meupakan salah satu smartphone pertama android dari Nokia yang laris manis peredarannya meskipun saat ini Nokia sudah berada di bawah kendali Microsoft yang juga memiliki OS sendiri Windows Phone.

Kita tunggu aja perkembangan terkini Nokia X2 ini....

Source: Secret - AnTuTu

Related Post:
Specifications & Compare Nokia Android Dual SIM: Nokia X – Nokia X+ – Nokia XL

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Apple Release Two New Ads For iPad Air "Your Verse" Campaign

Apple merilis 2 buah iklan terbaru untuk iPad Air yang mengambil tema "Your Verse" tentang musik dan travelling. Iklan pertama berjudul "Chérie's Verse" tentang seorang travel writter "Chérie King" yang menggunakan iPad dan aplikasinya untuk berkeliling dunia di 31 negara dan 5 benua mengabadikan keindahannya.

Video kedua berjudul "Esa-Pekka's Verse" tentang "Esa-Pekka Salonen", salah seorang komponis yang menciptakan komposisi musik indahnya melalui iPad Air dan aplikasinya.  Silahkan simak kedua iklan tersebut di bawah ini dan liat juga halaman khusus Apple yang khusus menampilkan "Chérie King" dan "Esa-Pekka Salonen".

Source: YouTube 1 - YouTube 2 - Apple Your Verse

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

BeeTalk, Aplikasi Instant Messenger iOS & Android Dengan Multi Fitur

Satu lagi aplikasi instant messenger di platform iOS dan Android mulai gencar mempromosikan fitur-fitur andalannya. BeeTalk, salah satu aplikasi yang berasal dari Thailand sudah masuk ke pasar Indonesia bersaing dengan aplikasi sejenis seperti WeChat, LINE, WhatsApp, KakaoTalk bahkan SnapChat dan Path. Tak lupa masuknya BeeTalk ke pasar lokal dengan menggandeng 2 orang ikon selebritis Indonesia Ariel Tatum dan Al Ghazali.

Fitur dari BeeTalk sepertinya menggabungkan beberapa layanan instant messenger tesebut. Beberapa fitur yang diusung BeeTalk antara lain:

- Flip: browsing profil pictire, geser ke kiri kalau "dislike" dan ke kanan kalau "like".
- Shake: menggoyangkan device untuk menemukan teman baru.(mirip yang ada di WeChat).
- Look Around: fitur ini untuk mencari teman yang ada di sekitar (mirip yang ada di WeChat).
- Whisper:  mengirimkan pesan yang bersifat rahasia dan akan otomatis hilang setelah dibaca oleh penerima (mirip yang ada di SnapChat).
- Free Calls and Messages: melakukan panggilan dan mengirimkan pesan teks dan suara tanpa batas.
- Doodle: membuat dan mengirimkan sket gambar ke teman.
- Stickers: menambahkan stiker pada saat chatting
- Group Chat: chatting bersamaan dalam grup.

Silahkan dicoba dan untuk cara download dan panduan pemakaiannya bisa kunjungi alamat ini

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Friday, May 23, 2014

9 New Features in Google+ for Android

The Google+ app for Android has been updated to provide several new features to enhance content viewing and sharing.

Highlights include the new navigation menu, which makes it easy to switch between your circles and communities. Tapping the new pencil icon in the bottom right allows for easy sharing, including a live camera feed in the picker for in-the-moment photo capture. Finally, the app's main menu now naturally slides out of the way, allowing posts to fill the entire screen.

9 new features in Google+ for Android

1. Auto Awesome Stories now combine your photos, videos and the places you visit into beautiful travelogues. 

2. Auto Awesome Movies are now available on Android, iOS and the web, so lots more people will receive highlight reels of their photos and videos. 

3. You can now create animated GIFs and photobooth-style images on demand. Just tap the new plus button in Photos, and select either Motion or Mix.

4. Really big photo libraries are now supported on Android, so you can access your many thousands of photos quickly and easily.

5. You can now browse your entire photo library, as well as your highlights, by date. Just drag the new scroll bar to move forwards or backwards in time.

6. Profiles now display total content views on both Android and the web. (You can choose to show or hide this number via settings.)

7. A new navigation menu makes it easier to switch between your favorite circles and communities, as well as other places in the app.

8. It’s a lot easier to share content from your phone or tablet. To give it a try, just tap the new pencil icon at the bottom right of the stream.

9. The app menu now slides away as you move down the stream, letting posts fill the entire screen.

Source: GoogleApps Update - Google+ - Google Play Store

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Mandatory Tweetbot Update for iOS v2.8 and v3.2

Pengembang layanan Twitter client Tweetbot 2 dan 3 merilis pengumuman resmi di blog-nya kepada para pengguna Tweetbot for iOS untuk segera melakukan update dikarenakan karena adanya masalah stop functional yang dikarenakan terputusnya komunikasi dengan Twitter API.

Selain memiliki layanan Twitter client for iOS, Tapbots juga memiliki layanan serupa untuk Mac yakni Tweetbot for Mac. Bagi pengguna Tweetbot 2 for iOS bisa update melalui App Store ke versi 2.8.8 sedangkan pengguna Tweetbot 3 for iOS bisa update melalui App Store ke versi 3.3.2. Setelah melakukan update harus terlebih dahulu login kembali.
A couple weeks ago Twitter’s Platform Operations group contacted us and asked us to make a small change to the way Tweetbot communicates with the Twitter API. This change will have no affect on the way Tweetbot works, however two things will occur once this change goes live. All versions of Tweetbot prior to 2.8.8 or 3.2.2 will stop working and you may need to log into your account again. So make sure you are running the latest versions of the app and be prepared to authenticate your account once more. We will be coordinating with Twitter to make the final change on May 29th at 10 A.M. PST. Stay up to date via our @tweetbot account. Thanks for your continued support!

Source: Tapbots Blog - App Store 1 - App Store 2

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Music Streaming Deezer Now Has Free & Unlimited On Computer & Tablet

Layanan musik streaming dari Perancis "Deezer" mengumumkan lewat email kepada pengguna Deezer yang sidah dapat mengakses layanan Deezer secara free/ gratis dan unlimited melalui perangkat komputer dan tablet. Sebelumnya Deezer membebaskan pengguna Deezer via mobile melalui fitur Flow, Playlist Radio dan Artist Radio dan mengumumkan adanya versi beta Deezer for Mac yang mengusung fitur serupa.

Fitur baru Deezer for web yang bisa diakses secara gratis dan unlimited di komputer dan tablet antara lain Album, Artist, Flow, Radio Channels. Sebelumnya untuk mengakses secara unlimited harus melalui Premium dan Premium+.

Perbandingan akun biasa (Discovery), Premium dan Premium+ bisa dilihat di halaman - berikut item yang berbeda dari ketiga akun tersebut:
- Unlimited streaming di versi mobile app dan tablet: hanya untuk Premium+
- Bisa mendengarkan secara offline: hanya untuk Premium+
- Tanpa iklan: Premium dan Premium+
- HQ sound (sampai 320 kb/s): Premium dan Premium+

Bagi yang pengen mencicipi versi Deezer Premium+ saat ini lagi ada diskon 50% dari harga $5.99/ bulan menjadi $2.99/ bulan atau sekitar Rp.34 ribu. Sedankan untuk yang akun Premium tidak ada diskon sekitar $2.49/ bulan.

Silahkan akses tanpa batas mendengarkan musik Indonesia dan musik dunia di Deezer, jangan lupa follow akun Deezer saya di dan menikmati playlist musik terbaik seperti dan

Related Post:
Deezer for iOS & Android Add New Feature "Flow", Non-stop Music Tailored Based on Listening Habits
Samsung Galaxy S5 Customers Enjoy Deezer Premium+ for Free

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New Untappd Badge "100 Days of Hefe" by @Widmer_Brothers

Name: 100 Days of Hefe

Here’s to making the most of the summer with The Original American Hefeweizen during 100 Days of Hefe!

How To Unlock:
- Available between May 22nd & September 1st, 2014
- Checking-in to at least ten (10) total Hefe's

Beer Example:

Summer is coming and with it comes the heat. I think we can all agree that one of the universal ways to make it through is by enjoying an ice cold refreshing brew. Kurt and Rob Widmer, co-founders of the 30-year-old Widmer Brothers Brewing, created a beer perfect for such an occasion. The brothers first brewed their version of Hefeweizen - the brewery’s flagship unfiltered wheat beer - in 1986. At the time, they unknowingly created a new beer style: American Style Wheat. Since then, the award winning Hefe has helped elevate the 30 year old brewery to national acclaim, and has become a summer favorite. Hefe is light and citrusy, and at less than 5 percent ABV, it is the perfect beer for those hot summer days and nights.  [Blog Untappd]

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

New Untappd Badge "The Summer Original" by @Widmer_Brothers

Name: The Summer Original

Here’s to enjoying the summer with The Original American Hefeweizen!

How To Unlock:
- Available between May 22nd & September 1st, 2014
- Checking-in to at least one (1) Widmer Brother’s Hefe.

Beer Example:

Summer is coming and with it comes the heat. I think we can all agree that one of the universal ways to make it through is by enjoying an ice cold refreshing brew. Kurt and Rob Widmer, co-founders of the 30-year-old Widmer Brothers Brewing, created a beer perfect for such an occasion. The brothers first brewed their version of Hefeweizen - the brewery’s flagship unfiltered wheat beer - in 1986. At the time, they unknowingly created a new beer style: American Style Wheat. Since then, the award winning Hefe has helped elevate the 30 year old brewery to national acclaim, and has become a summer favorite. Hefe is light and citrusy, and at less than 5 percent ABV, it is the perfect beer for those hot summer days and nights.  [Blog Untappd]

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Apple Release Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2014) Schedule

Acara tahunan dari Apple buat para developernya "Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC)" segera digelar tanggal 2 sampai 6 Juni bulan depan di San Fransisco. Jadwal acarapun sudah dirilis di situsnya tetapi masih banyak yang dirahasiakan oleh Apple dengan judul-judul event yang menggunakan kalimat-kalimat non format seperti "No Comment", "This One Is Sealed", "Shhhh, Can't Tell You Yet" dan lainnya. Apabila di klik hanya akan tampil kalimat "The title and description of this session will be revealed after Keynote on Monday, June 2nd. Check back to view the updated schedule and favorite the sessions and labs you would like to attend."

Keynote akan disampaikan tanggal 2 Juni sebagai pembukaan acara dan beberapa judul acara-pun akan diganti yang resmi sesuai yang disampaikan oleh keynote speaker. Jadi para fans Apple pun ditambah penasaran dan harus ikuti perkembangan acara tersebut. Schedule acara  "Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC)" dibagi dalam 3 kategori yakni "Sessions", "Labs" dan "Events". Silahkan simak selengkapnya di

Salah satu yang santer diberitakan media, Apple akan merilis "MacBook Air Retina" di ajang WWDC 2014 tersebut, tentang iOS 8, OS X dan iPhone 6 belum ada informasi apakah akan diperkenalkan di ajang WWDC 2014 sesuai judul-judul event yang rahasia tersebut. Kita tunggu aja update dari WWDC 2014 dan silahkan juga download aplikasi resmi WWDC dari Apple di App Store.

Source: WWDC 2014

Related Source: Apple Announce Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2014)

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New Untappd Badge "Saison Dupont Cuvee Dry Hopping"

Name: Saison Dupont Cuvee Dry Hopping

Congratulations! You're one of a small number of people to be able to try this special Cuvee 2014 dry­hopped version of Brasserie Dupont's legendary Saison Dupont. It's an experimental brew made in very limited quantities just once per year. Brewer Olivier Dedeycker worked with whole flower Challenger hops grown on a Belgian farm. Compare it to classic Saison Dupont. You may note accentuated floral, spice and citrus notes. Find more of our beers at

How To Unlock:
- Available between May 21st & June 21st, 2014
- Check-in to one (1) Saison Dupont Cuvee Dry Hopping 2014.

Once a year, Brasserie Dupont takes their well known Saison Dupont and puts a whole new spin on it. Using whole flower Challenger hops, grown on a Belgian farm, Brasserie Dupont’s brewer, Olivier Dedeycker, creates what is known as the Saison Dupont Cuvee Dry Hopping. Compared to it’s classic base, the dry hopping creates accentuated floral, spice and citrus notes. Being experimental, only a very limited supply is released just once per year, so you’ll have to be quick to find it. [Blog Untappd]

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Untappd For Android Adds Autocomplete Search And Friends Tab Features

Untappd, sebuah layanan social discovery and check-in network bagi penggemar beer merilis versi baru aplikasi Untappd for Android dengan beberapa tambahan fitur baru termasuk fitur "Autocomplete Search" dan "Friends Tab" di halaman beer. Fitur "Autocomplete Search" akan memenudahkan pengguna Untappd for Android untuk melakukan pencarian beer yang diinginkan.

Fitur "Friends Tab" di halaman beer sekarang bisa melihat aktifitas yang dilakukan teman termasuk rated dan komentar terhadap beer yang bersangkutan. Selain 2 fitur tersebut, saat ini pengguna Untappd for Android dapat mencari venue sekitar kita di dalam menu "Discover" di bawah menu "Nearby Bars".

Versi terbaru Untappd for Android hanya diperuntukkan bagi pengguna android dengan versi 4.0+ atau lebih tinggi. Silahkan melakukan update terbaru Untappd for Android di Google Play Store. Jangan lupa follow akun kami di Untappd

What's New in Version 2.4:
- Autocomplete Search - quickly search the beers you want to check-in and get results in real-time!
- "Friends Tab" on Beer Pages - see what your friends rated and their comments a particular beers.
- You can now search for Venues around you in the "Discover" tab, under Nearby Bars! See what they have on tap!
- Fixes issue with Facebook login, linking, etc
- General Bugs fixes for stability
Please note: This version is for Android 4.0+ and up.

Source: Play Store

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New Untappd Badge To Celebrate Central Oregon Beer Week (2014)

Name: Central Oregon Beer Week (2014)

It’s Central Oregon Beer Week! Looking for more places to go or events to attend? Check out what’s going on over at

How To Unlock:
- Available during Central Oregon Beer Week Starting  between May 23rd & May 31st, 2014
- Check-in to any beer at one (1) of the participating venues.
- Add location to your checkin

Venue Example:
10 Barrel- Galveston

Central Oregon’s craft beer industry is thriving and boasts 26 (and counting) unique breweries. In celebration of this culture that has taken root, Central Oregon Beer Week will soon kick off, featuring a great collection of local and regional craft breweries. A great mix of events will take place during COBW - which runs from May 23rd through 31st - ranging from a variety of festivals, to tap takeover, and everything in between you’ve come to expect from a great beer week! [Blog Untappd]

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

New Untappd Badge To Celebrate Asheville Beer Week (2014)

Name: Asheville Beer Week (2014)


How To Unlock:
- Available during Asheville Beer Week Starting  between May 23rd & May 31st, 2014
- Check-in to any beer at one (1) of the participating venues.
- Add location to your checkin
It’s time for another year of tastings, dinners, beer education, and other beer-related fun (and nonsense) as Asheville Beer Week get’s ready to kick off this Friday. Celebrating all things beer in the city of Asheville, NC, ABW runs from May 23rd through May 31st and with all the great events lined up, it’s sure to be a good time for all. Don’t forget Asheville Beer Week culminates with Asheville’s 5th Annual Beer City Festival on May 31, where dozens of breweries (and plenty of live music) are slated to appear on Roger McGuire Green. [Blog Untappd]

You can follow us on Twitter @tamtomo2 and @PC_holic, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook Page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Untappd. Checkout more Untappd Badge

Chrome for Android Now Support "Undo Tab Close" Feature

Google telah merilis versi baru Chrome for Android dengan tambahan fitur utama "Undo Tab Close" yang dapat digunakan untuk membatalkan penutupan (close) tab secara tidak sengaja dan madih diperlukan untuk browsing. Saat ini browser Chrome for Android menjadi pilihan untuk browsing secara mobile dengan tampilan desktop.

Selain fitur "Undo Tab Close", versi terbaru Chrome for Android juga sudah support multi-windows device dan chromecast serta fitur full screen video.

Chrome for Android bisa langsung didownload dari Google Play Store dan selain tersedia di android, Chrome juga tersedia buat pengguna iOS.

Berikut "What's New" yang ada di Chrome for Android:
• Undo Tab Close
• Fullscreen video with Subtitles and HTML5 controls
• Support for some multi-window devices
• Support for casting some videos with Chromecast
• Other bug fixes

Source: Play Store

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